Grayson County TXGenWeb
First United Methodist Church
Sherman, Texas

Dallas Morning News
February 13, 1891
Sherman Siftings

Roy Joe Jones, brother of Sam Jones, is mightily attracting crowds to the First Methodist church, where he is holding a revival.  He is a much finer specimen of physical manhood than his far-famed brother, but he is not as sweeping in his remarks.  Still, he is far from being a "milk and cider" preacher by any means, and the backslider and hypocrite, at whom Brother Jones has thus far leveled most of his broadsides generally, leave with the conviction that somebody has been spotting them and giving Rev. Jones a pointer.  He is a splendid story teller and intersperses his remarks with anecdotes, some of them arousing considerable mirth, but a moral is attached to each one.  When he first came people crowded out to hear him because he was Sam's brother, but now they go to hear Joe Jones because he has an individuality which needs no bolstering up by illustrious family connections.  He preaches at the opera house tomorrow (Sunday) at 4 p.m. to "men only," and all between the ages of 12 and 100 are invited.

First United Methodist Church History
Elaine Nall Bay

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