Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman, Texas

The Sherman Courier
Wednesday, August 15, 1917
pg. 27
Fiftieth Anniversary Edition

Educational, Economic and Social
Miss Veda Group, Editor

The city park on West Houston street was the scene of an enjoyable gathering Monday evening, the first festivity to be held there, when the ladies of Circle No. 8, of the First Baptist Church Woman's Auxiliary with their children held their weekly meeting there instead of at the home of one of the members.
The lesson in Bible Study was first conducted, Mrs.J.H. Knott leading the lesson.  Then followed a picnic hour, the ladies having brought with them a neatly packed and appetising picnic supper.  This part of the program was much enjoyed, as indeed was the simple variation of having the meeting in the open air rather than indoors.
Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Dillingham were welcome visitors in addition to the following circle members: Mmes. C. Casteel, McLean, E.B. Turner, B.H. Little, Charley Edwards, A. McMillan, Oscar Kulle, Morris Hunter, R.E. Miller, A. Miler, E.S. Jones, J.D. Harling, and W.G. Banks.
The children brought the total number present to about 40, and theirs was no small share in the general enjoyment of the evening.  Various games were engaged in, and all things combined to make it a jolly good time for them.

Sherman History
Susan Hawkins
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