![]() Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 3. 1903 pg 1 Another of the pioneer citizens has passed beyond the river of death. This time the grim messenger invaded the home of T. B. Waldron and summoned to his chill arms the wife and mother, Mrs. Delia Waldron. Death came early Wednesday morning and was the result of paralysis, that most dreaded disease that strikes terror to the stoutest hearted. Mrs. Waldron was a native of Ohio, being born in that state 55 years ago. She was married to T. B. Waldron at Belott. Wisconsin, in 1879 and came to Denison a bride but a few months after. By her death the ties of almost a quarter of a century are sundered. From the time of her arrival here Mrs. Waldron has been actively interested in religious and social affairs and has done much for the upbuilding and advancement of her own denomination in particular, she being a devoted member of the Episcopal church. She leaves behind a mother and brother in Wisconsin and her husband and two daughters, Misses Louise and Clara, her, and scores of friends who sorrow with them because of the going away of daughter, sister, wife and mother. A wave of sympathy will go out from the heart of every old Denisonian to the surviving relatives. Only those who knew the beauty and goodness of her life can realize the great loss of those closest to her. The funeral was held from the family home, 531 West Gandy street, at 2:30 Thursday, and was attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. The interment was at Fairview cemetery. The pall-bearers were W. B. Munson, E. H. Lingo, J. T. Munson, E. H. Hanna, C. D. Kingston, Levi Lingo, T. W. Stratton and E. T. Hathaway. She has obeyed the call, and tonight the loving wife and mother sleeps in the chill but kindly bosom of mother earth, and victory crowns the close. To those left behind it is the wrenching of old ties; to her, release. Fairview Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |