The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, December 15, 1901 pg. 4 CONDENSED NEWS Wednesday, December 11 - Mrs. W.R. Allen, 1619 West Crawford street, wife of ex-councilman, W.R. Allen, is quite sick with fever, also her sister, Miss Fulton, both ladies having been confined to their beds for several days. MRS. SARAH D. ALLEN Mrs. Sarah D. Allen, wife of ex-councilman W.R. Allen, 1019 West Crawford Street, was called to her final rest at 3 a.m. Thursday. Saturday a week ago Mrs. Allen fell from the piazza of her home, and though note seriously injured, as she thought, the hurt received aggravated an old trouble, pleurisy developed and after a week's illness she passed away, as stated. The attending physician, husband and son, and the sufferer herself did not realize the seriousness of the case until three days before the end came. Mrs. Allen was in her 55th year, she having been born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, August 7, 1847. She came to East Texas with her parents when a small girl, grew to womanhood there, and engaged in teaching. She and Mr. W.R. Allen were married near Ector, Fannin county, in 1876. One son, St. Elmo Allen, the pride and hope of his mother, blessed the union. The family moved to Denison about 9 years ago, and have made many friends here, who will hear of the death of the wife and mother with sorrowing regret. Relatives living at Sterrett, Bonham, and Ector, Fannin county, were notified of the sad end, and hastened here to mingle their tears for the dead with the sorrowing ones here, and to extend sympathy to the living. All Mr. Allen's children by a former marriage hastened here to say a last farewell to her who had cared for them as her own, and who in their childhood days had been their best friend. Mrs. Allen was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the funeral was conducted under the auspices of Gate City Chapter at the residence at 10 a.m. Friday. Rev. W.B. Carnes of the Christian church conducted the services for the dead. A large number of the friends and acquaintances, with the relatives, followed the remains to Fairview, where they were laid to rest. But a few short weeks since the body of Mr. Allen's youngest daughter was brought here and from the family home taken also to Fairview. In the double affliction the one ray of light that pierces the shadows is that the wife and daughter have found rest. Fairview Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |