![]() Martin Chichet 3 November 1842 - 6 July 1883 The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, July 8, 1883 pg. 1 Martin Chichet Yesterday at about 11 o'clock in the morning, was conveyed to dull earth all that was mortal of the gentleman whose name heads this small tribute to his memory. He was interred under the Masonic ritual, worshipful master S. Harriman officiating in an impressive manner. His corpse was followed to the last resting place by the Masons, Odd Fellows and a very large number of private citizens in carriages. Mr. Chichet was born in Bordeaux, France, and up to manhood's honor followed the occupation of wine growing. A peasant, without any advantages, yet he acquired a good substantial education, and early showed fine commercial intellect. The not-to-be-suppressed yearning for better circumstances brought him to this country while we were on the eve of our terrible fratricidal struggle. He was one of the first comers to Denison, but in the early days left it and went to Brownsville, where he served F. Yturina, the prince of importers in that region, and whose confidence out subject held in the fullest degree. He afterward engaged in business for himself but was not successful. He returned to Denison in the latter days of '78. After the death of his compatriot, Justin Raynal, he engaged in business at the Grand Southern corner, married a lady who in every way was a helpmeet, and his barque of life from then to his death, sailed in peaceful and prosperous waters, and he died in very good circumstances. About a week ago that fell disease, peritonitis, seized him, and he, after a short struggle, succumbed, passing away as in a pleasant dream on the morning of Friday last. In him were combined some of the rarest and noblest traits with which Heaven has endowed human kind: strict integrity, kindness of heart, retiring modesty, ambition to do well and an absorbing devotion to friends. Denison has lost a good citizen, society an honest man and his wife a devoted husband. To her and his friends, we extend our deepest sympathies, in this, their dark hour, and earnestly hope the sun of promise may bear them some consolation. Fairview Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |