![]() Maggie Anderson 23 June 1852 - 31 May 1894 w/o L. C. Anderson ![]()
The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, April 4, 1909 Mr. L. C. Anderson died at his home, one mile south of the city on the Sherman and Dripping Springs road at 3:30 a.m. Saturday, March 20, after a short illness. Mr. Anderson was born in Shelby county, Missouri, sixty years ago the 20th of last November, being the eldest of a family of seven children. The family came to Texas before Denison was founded, settling in or near Dallas, but came to Denison in the early seventies, the various members settling in or near the city. Before leaving Dallas Mr. Anderson was married to Miss Maggie Stillwell in 1874, and to them were born four children, all of whom survive - Mrs. A.F. Field, of Provo, Utah, Mrs. Howard Johnson, of Denison, and Miss Ruth Anderson, of Enid, Okla. Mr. George Anderson and Mrs Johnson were with their father when he died. On coming to Grayson County Mr. Anderson settled in the old home where he died, and has resided there continuously since, excepting a short period spent in El Paso where he went into business, thinking to improve his health. Losing his first wife by death, Mr. Anderson married to his present wife, who was Mrs. Florence Patterson, in 1891. Of this union there are two children, Thelma and Jennie, who are not old enough yet to realize their loss. Beside the wife and six children, Mr. Anderson is survived by three brothers, John, George and Robert Anderson, all of Denison; and three sisters, Mrs. Ben McDuffy, Mrs. Frew and Mrs. W. R. Mills, also of Denison and a goodly number of nieces and nephews. The death of L. C. Anderson leaves another gap in the ranks of the pioneers, the whitening heads of the survivors growing fewer and fewer as they gather at the open grave to pay the tribute of respect and love to another of their number called away. But a few short months ago the mother answered the call, and her eldest son has now joined her. Both had traveled a long and weary road and rest near each other in beautiful Fairview. Sorrow is not for them who rest, but for the living, whose hearts are saddened by their going. The funeral was conducted from the residence at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. Mr. Davis of the Christian church conducting the services. A choir, with Miss Jessie Anderson, a niece, at the piano, sang "Nearer My God to Thee." The pall-bearers were Messrs. A. B. Riviere, H. Fraley Johnson, Benj. Orr, B. F. Coleman and Mr. Curry, and Mr. Halton directed the funeral. Along line of friends and neighbors followed the remains to the cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful. A pillow of ferns and white carnations inscribed "Our Brother," and a wreath of the same inscribed "Our Father," were most beautiful. ![]() Fairview Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |