The Giarraputos are an Italian family that has
lived and made candy in Denison for a century.
No Giarraputo was listed in the 1901-1902 City
Directory, but in 1907-1908, Anton Giarraputo was running a confectionery at 313
West Main and living with his wife, Nunzia B., at 523 East Morton Street. Louis
Giarraputo clerked at the store and lived at the same address. That year, there
were eighteen "retail confectioneries" listed in the City Directory, many run by
people with Italian names.  Yellow Jacket Denison High School Christmas, 1910
By 1917, Louis Giarraputo and Felix Alfieri ran the
Busy Bee Confectionery (Ice Cream Parlor and Lunch) at 407 West Main. In
addition, Tony and Lucas Giarraputo were running Giarraputo Brothers at 309 West
Main. Louis lived at 520 East Main Street; Rosa Giarraputo also lived there.
Tony and wife, Nancy, lived at 523 East Main. Lucas had moved west to 1004 West
Chestnut Street. 
527 East Morton Street Giarraputo House next to Candy Store. Photo by
Brian Christopher Hander, August 2010. Used by
permission By 1920, Giarraputo Brothers had become Tony's Palm
Garden, a staple on the Denison scene for many years to come. An advertisement
in the 1920 Yellow Jacket (high school annual, page 63) reads: "Tony’s
Palm Garden: People's Popular Kandy Kitchen; Fine Chocolates, Candies, Cream.
Quick Light Lunches. Special Attention Rendered to Parties. Balcony Reserved for
Special Occasions.”  Tony's Palm Garden West Main Street Courtesy of Tina Bruton DiToma,
whose uncle Gene Bruton worked at Tony's.
"My Uncle used to work with
Tony at the Tony's Palm Garden." That's Tony Giarraputo on the left; person
on right is unknown. Note the great light fixtures, and the sign saying
"Welcome! Hot Chocolate." See the plaid bow tie? What year would he have
worn that?
 Fred Finley (front) sips a soda at the very popular Tony Giaraputto's Palm Garden that was located on Main Street. (Photo courtesy of Noreene Finley Dodd)
Thomas B. Anderson
(1904-1975) recalled in his memoir: "At 309 West Main was a confectionery known
as 'Tony’s Palm Garden.' This was the finest of its kind in the town. If you had
a date or even with your wife, you had to go to
Jim Sears
writes: Lucas Giarraputo's son, Lucas T. Giarraputo, was born in Sherman in
1920, but the family lived in Denison for most of the remainder of that decade.
Although he worked with his brother in the candy business, Lucas Sr. had been
trained as a stonemason in his native Italy. By 1930 he had moved his family to
Dallas, where he became a building contractor.
Young Lucas T. became interested
in dancing, moved to New York City during World War II, and went on to a career
in show business as a dancer, singer, actor, choreographer, and director. In
1948, he changed his name to Jonathan Lucas. In 1955, he was one of the directors
of the original Mickey Mouse Club in its first season on TV. He died in 1991 at
age 70.
Read read more about Lucas T. Giarraputo
Janie Kirk
McCallie wrote: I wonder if there are
any of the Giarraputos around who still make
Cammie Jo Renee
Giarraputo Casarez wrote: I grew up
watching my grandfather, Tony Giarraputo, and my father, Russell Giarraputo,
make the candy. Actually the little store is still there! We make the candy as a
tradition for Christmas! 
Giarraputo Candy Store 500
block East Morton It belongs to to the large house to the east of it. This
is where the family used to make their candy canes and other Christmas candy.
The family was big supporters of Raynal Elementary School, which is across
the street. Mrs. Garraputo used to have a candy counter in the front hall of the
large home just east of the candy kitchen. At lunch students would go to her
home, ring the bell, and buy penny
Barnhill wrote: Nancy Giarraputo
Cockrill and husband, James, still made candy at Christmas time just a few years
ago. Don't know if they still do, but I was lucky enough to get a little
bag! Judy Nastasi
Cooper wrote: I loved their soft peanut brittle. I think it was Uncle
Tony who made it when I was a kid.
Jim Sears wrote: I remember those peanut patties! They cost
a nickel, didn't they? The candy shop was operated by Anthony and Nancy
Giarraputo out of their home at 525 East Morton. Their son, Anthony Jr., lived
next door at 527 with wife, Margie, and daughter, Sharon Kay. Sharon was my
first-grade classmate in Mrs. Fisher's room. Because her grandparents operated
the candy shop across the street, our class got complimentary confections on at
least one occasion that year. If a time warp should ever drop me back into 1957
or 1958, that little candy shop will be high on my list of places to
Brenda Duckett
Larivee wrote: They used to give all the students from Raynal candy canes for Christmas
every year.
Vicki Moore
Harrison wrote: Oh, I remember the
candy store across from Raynal. I went there every day after I walked home for
lunch and ate and got a nickel and went to the candy store.
Janie Kirk
McCallie wrote: That candy shop was
located in the front room of the house. The peanut patties were the best thing
in the world. I heard many years ago that they sold the recipe to the Lance
Company when they quit making and selling candy at their house. I still think
that is my all-time favorite candy and will pick up a piece at Cracker Barrel
every time I see it.
Marvin Hunt wrote: I would buy the penny strips with candy
Hardy wrote : What relation to Steve Giarraputo? He worked
for Denison Drug at one time. He was so nice! He could sure make a good
milkshake. |