Joseph Anton Euper
![]() Week
ending July 18, 1874 : "A meeting was held at Gnase's reading
room Thursday for the purpose of organizing a brass band. There
was a good attendance, and resulted in the election of the following
officers : John G. Gnase, president; John L. Simpson, secretary; Emil
Jacobs, treasure. The following members were enrolled : E.L.
Stevens, J.A. Euper, John L. Simpson, John G. Gnase. W.J. Cook, Emil
Jacobs, A.M. Hanlane, Mr. Moody, P. Hubschmann, L. Hubschmann." ["Early Days in Denison", Sunday Gazetteer, August 3, 1902] Denison Daily Cresset Thursday, April 1, 1875 Messrs. Euper & Co., are enlarging their place of business, and will fit up an elegant ice cream saloon for their patrons' accommodation this summer. They are the only house that keeps the celebrated Iceberg Soda fountain. They are live energetic men, and make a success of all they undertake.
The Sunday Gazetteer Denison Daily News June 1880 U.S. Census of 1880 taken. Census schedule lists Joseph A. Euper, confectioner, age 29 and his wife Carrie B., age 24, living on Gandy Street. MR. JOE EUPER: The leading confectioner History credits Euper as the inventor of the ice cream soda; later he was to serve many years as fire chief of the City of Denison. In the spring of 187 J.A. Euper opened an "ELEGANT" confectionery house and ice-cream parlor. "Joe Euper has his mammoth soda fountain in position, and is ready to dispense frozen drinks to all who may patronize him. The fountain is one of the finest ever brought to this State, and was manufactured expressly for Mr. Euper by J.W. Tuft of Boston, Massachusetts. It is one of the most elaborate, ornamental and convenient concerns of the kind we ever saw, and is worth the price of a glass of soda to get a look at it." (The Sunday Gazetteer, Sunday, March 13, 1887, pg.4) The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, March 20, 1887 pg. 1 ELEGANT If we have a Bon Ton Restaurant in the east end which is a credit to the city, we need not imagine that we have the only elegant retreat in Denison. Farther up the street there is a resort which for elegant appointments, expensive furniture and general metropolitan grandeur towers as high above the Bon Ton as that establishment does above the 5-cent eating houses which used to grace the grounds of the old Alamo. This arcade of splendor is the confectionery house and ice-cream parlor of Mr. J.A. Euper. Three months' time and large sums of money have been spent in remodeling and refurnishing the house, and now we behold not only the most elegant thing of the kind in Texas, but a resort which would be a credit to the metropolitan centre of any State. The front section of the building has been elegantly fitted up as a confectionery store, and contains a magnificent soda fountain mentioned in last weeks' Gazetteer, which was made to the special order of Mr. Euper by J.W. Tuft & Co., of Boston, at a cost of $1,100. Behind the confectionery department, and separated from it by an elegant half partition, is the ice cream parlor. This department is decorated and furnished in a style which is beyond our power to describe. Everything that painter or upholsterer could do to add to its attractiveness has been done. In the centre of the room an enormous basin sits embedded in the floor, and from its centre the water rises in crystal spray half way to the gold-tinted ceiling. In the basin of this beautiful fountain flowers bloom and living fish disport themselves among a bright array of rocks and shells. The entrance to the parlor from without is wide and hung with costly curtains, the opening being surmounted by a beautifully painted arch, containing on both sides an advertisement of the business. The gorgeous appointments of this establishment are a monument to Mr. Euper's enterprise, and are such as should command a generous appreciation at the hands of the Denison public. For the public's refreshments, Euper's Ice Cream parlor had soda water, vichy, ginger ale, congress water, moxie and ice cream of every flavor. 1891
- 1892 "J.A. Euper, Dealer in Plain and Fancy Candies, Toys,
Fireworks and Smoker's Articles. Domestic and Foreign Fruit.
228 West Main Street." 1899
- 1900 Joseph A. Euper, chief of Denison Fire Department,
headquartered under City Hall at 320 West Chestnut Street.
Married. Lives at 506 West Gandy Street. Also living
there are W.J. Euper, machinist for the MKT Railway shops; and Carl F. The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, May 31, 1903 pg. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Euper and family will leave in a day or two for Monterey, Mexico, where Mr. Euper will be associated in business with his brother-in-law, Mr. Gus Arey. No one in Denison will regret the departure of Mr. Euper more than the Gazetteer. For 30 years without a break Joe has been a business factor of Denison. He has been a great deal more; he has been a true and consistent friend to those who deserve his friendship as any man who has ever lived here. He has seen all the ups and downs which have characterized the history of Denison for the past 30 years. He rode on the top wave of prosperity, and was overwhelmed in the tidal wave of the boom. He lost his all, but his reputation was untarnished. There never was a dishonest motive laid at the door of Joe Euper. In the wreck he sacrificed all but the humble home which sheltered him and the dear old wife and the little ones. At his side has stood the good wife, who in every trial and tribulation has proved the good Mentor. No man who has ever lived in Denison has been more closely identified with our pioneer history than Joe Euper. Talk about old landmarks, Joe is about the oldest of them all. Mr. Euper came to Denison in 1873, the year that the Infant Wonder was in her swaddling clothes. His history is Denison's history. On every public occasion for many years his name was always prominent. He was always enterprising, ready to push anything along that redounded to the welfare of Denison. There was always a warm social side to his nature. He was sympathetic, tender hearted, the gentlest of men. It seems with his going, old ties are severed, and we old fellows will feel lonely without him. We can all unite in fervent good wishes, good luck, good health and every blessing that this world affords. The same kindly expression goes out to Mrs. Euper, one of the noblest, purest and best mothers who has ever lived in Denison. And we remember the sweet little girl also, who will go with her parents to the strange land. Monday night Myrtle Lodge No. 22, Knights of Pythias, entertained Mr. Euper on the eve of his departure for Mexico. A collation was spread in the lodge room. After partaking of the good cheer a number of short speeches were made, the one on behalf of the lodge by Capt. E.J. Smith. It was very affecting in some passages. Before the family left for Mexico, members of the local Lilly Temple hosted a farewell reception for Mrs. Euper. The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, May 31, 1903 FAREWELL RECEPTION Mrs. J.A. Euper was tendered a farewell reception in the Knights of Pythias hall on Main street Tuesday evening by the Rathbone Sisters. Mrs. Euper was elected Most Excellent Chief when Lilly Temple was first organized here, and has been an active and valued member since. She has been an officer in the State Temple for several terms, and an officer in the local temple much of the remaining time. Mrs. Euper's change of residence, which takes place soon, was what called out this expression of appreciation from fellow members of Lilly Temple. In fact, the occasion was made an ovation, many who had known and loved Mrs. Euper as a girl and woman during her long residence here joining with the Rathbone Sisters in extending a loving farewell to her. The hall was crowded with old friends, both in and out of the order, who had known Mrs. Euper when she was the talented Carrie Arey, who had delighted them with her wonderful musical gift, she ranking then as now, as one of the most accomplished pianists in the city. Her going to a new home will leave a gap in musical circles not easily filled, and the departure of the entire family will be regretted by every old citizen of Denison and many of the more recent ones. An impromptu musical and literary program was rendered, in which Mrs. Euper took part. At its conclusion, Mrs. Houlihan, the present Most Excellent Chief, presented to Mrs. Euper, in the name of the Temple, a lovely gold ring, with amethyst setting, and extended thanks to her for the gift of a handsome sword presented the Temple some time ago. Refreshments were served in the banquet hall, cake, cream and fruit ices. But in spite of efforts at cheerfulness and entertainment the keynote of the occasion was a minor chord, sadness predominating because of the farewell so soon to be spoken. Mrs. Euper left Saturday for a short visit to Ft. Worth. she will then be joined by Mr. Cuper and daughter, Irene, and the family will go to Monterey, Mexico. Just 2 short months later the Denison Gazetteer printed the substance of a letter from Mr. Euper to Dr. Booth, in which he describes their situation in Mexico. The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, August 2, 1903 pg. 3 Dr. W.T. Booth has received a very interesting letter from our old townsman, Joe Euper. Joe is in business sure enough, manufacturing beds, mattresses, etc. He has begun to like the city very much and Mrs. Euper is reconciled to the situation. Irene is getting homesick and would like to see her Denison friends again. Joe says that the Mexicans are the most polite people in the world. Monterey is a free and easy city. Sunday is no different from any other day. However, it appears from the return of the Euper family to Denison within 6 months of their adventurous enterprise to Mexico, that life in Mexico wasn't quite as pleasant as at first expressed in his August 1903 letter. The Denison Press Friday, December 16, 1938 Denison 62-50-35 Years Ago by Dulce Murray December 16, 1903 - Joe Euper, wife and daughter, Irene, arrived from Monterrey, Mexico yesterday morning. Their experiences in Mexico were anythings but pleasant. They all had the yellow fever, Joe especially a severe case, but they are enjoying excellent health now. Mrs. Euper says she is glad to get back to a country where she can talk. ![]() ![]() ![]() Euper, J. [Joseph] A., Treasurer, Wartburg Lodge, Sons of Hermann, 1893 - 1894 EUPER, Karl Francis,
realtor; b. Denison, Tex., Jan. 19, 1884; s/o Joseph Anton and Carrie R.
(Arey) E.; grad. Harshaw's Coll. of Law (i Engring., 1907; m. Lima T.
Pleasant, of Los Angeles, 1914.
Successively prop, machinery, elec. and
marine bus., L. A.; machinist M., K.
& T. Ry., Denison, Tex.; master
mechanic, Mo.P.Ry., Monroe, La.; master
mech., St. Louis S" Iron Mtn. R.R.,
Little Rock, Ark.; in auto, bus., L.A.;
now realtor and ms. broker, in
partnership with father, directing number of
subdivisions, developments, etc.,
L.A.; assisted in designing campus of U.
of S. Calif.; pres. and dir. Greater
Hoover Blvd. Impvt. Assn. and v. p.
and dir. Greater Jefferson 6 Expn.
Blvd. Assn. Served number of yrs. as
officer with Denison (Tex.) Rifles.
Composer of several piano selections. Mem.
L.A. Community Chest and
numerous L.A. development coms.; also
active in charitable work. Elk
(life). Republican. ![]() ![]() ![]() "Ice Cream Sodas Tasty Creation of Denisonian"
Denison Herald 4 July 1976 The ice cream soda was first concocted by Joseph A. Euper in the late 1870s. Euper operated a confectionery here in Denison's frontier days....He came to Denison in the city's earliest days, first opening a stand in the citys 100 block of Main Street. He married the former Carrie R. Arey in 1876 here, according to the Denison Daily News. Euper later had a confectionery at 228 West Main. He went to California in 1906, where he entered the real estate business. The father of the ice cream soda died in 1937 at the age of 87. ![]() ![]() ![]() First ice cream soda 2 April 2011 by Donna Hunt Today's Denison "first" is the ice cream soda. That delicious treat was first concocted by Joseph Anton Euper in the town's earliest of days. Euper had a confectionery on the north side of the 300 block West Main, near where the Security Building once stood across the street at the location of present-day Heritage Park. Denisonians know that Euper's soda was the first, but a few other towns have also claimed the distinction. Don't ask me how I know he was the first, those of us who have been around for a while just know it. Besides, we've seen stories in the local newspapers giving him credit. Euper must have been a very brave man because during the age of saloons and rough and rowdy frontier towns, he dared to make a success of a business with nothing hardier than ice cream and soda water in combination. He was in stiff competition with the much stronger drinks available in town's saloons. The Complete Book of American Trivia says that the ice cream soda was invented by a Robert Green at the Franklin institute Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1873. He ran out of cream to mix with syrup and carbonated water, so he used ice cream instead. But Euper was making sodas before then. The Tomlinson's Texas Records, Fourth Edition, 1980, said that Haarnisch and Baer Ice Cream Parlor in San Antonio made the world's first ice cream soda in 1868. He named it for a famous opera star of the era, Dolly Vaden. That soda might be hard to dispute, but there is no doubt that Euper's was better. A town in Michigan actually celebrated a J.A. Euper Day in honor of his creation, but that town never claimed it was a first there. Euper made the discovery more or less accidentally as a result of experiments, or just "playing around" with his ice cream products in Denison. Early local newspaper articles document the claim. He tried many different combinations, making ice cream with soda water, fresh fruit, juices and whatever he could think of. Finally he hit upon a concoction that tasted really good. Merchants near his confectionery and other friends were his taste testers and many brushed handlebar mustaches to the side to sample the mixture, smacking their lips in approval. He later moved his ice cream business down the street from the Security building. Euper came to Denison in 1872 to help establish the town. He married Miss Carrie R. Arey here in May 1876. The marriage was recorded in an issue of the Denison Herald. While he loved ice cream and continued with his confectioner, Euper also joined in building the first street railway system and was connected with industrial and other developments of the city. He died in 1937 at the age of 87. Even before his invention, Euper marketed ice cream throughout this area and across the river in the Indian Nation, according to early day articles. He used his own special recipe, according to a 1946 article in the Denison Herald in which his son, Karl F. Euper, was interviewed. At one time he began to charge his own soda water, using a roomful of tanks and pipes that must have looked like something from outer space. Euper's son, Karl, was born in Denison in 1885, then the family moved to Los Angeles in 1906, taking his dad's recipe. There Euper pursued a career in the real estate business. Karl was a member of the Denison, Texas, Reunion that met annually for many years in California. He visited the real Denison in 1946 and while here donated the final $200 to the Eisenhower Birthplace Fund to renovate the house. That was the year that General Eisenhower made his first visit to Denison since he was a toddler to see the house where he was born. While Euper's ice cream was the talk of the town in its early days, I feel sure it was nothing to compare with Ashburn's Ice Cream that opened first at 116 South Rusk Avenue after Euper moved to California. Every time we bring up the subject of that ice cream parlor, we get replies telling us favorite flavors. It seems that once a cone of Ashburn's Ice Cream was sampled, it was never forgotten. Adults and children alike flocked to the creamery. For the day that W.L. Ashburn, Sr., cranked out his first ice cream in a 10-gallon freezer using ice and salt, Ashburn's ice cream became a tradition. There was no mechanical refrigeration at that time, so the shop used ice and salt to store the vanilla, strawberry and chocolate cream in wooden tubs. Wooden tubs also were used to deliver the ice cream that was pocked in cans and kept cold by the ice and salt. The small plant prospered and by 1918 it moved to 615 West Main. Ice cream and summertime seem to go together and with summer just around the corner, it sure would be a treat to have a good old double dipped cone of vanilla, chocolate, or fresh peach, or strawberry or...on and on and on, ice cream. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Biography Index German-American Research Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |