Grayson County TXGenWeb
Chinese Americans

SHERMAN, Tex., Aug. 5. - A terrible water-spout struck this city at 4:25 this afternoon occasioning thousands of dollars worth of damage. The clouds began lowering and ominous mutterings were heard in the north for fully a half hour before the storm swept over the city.  Every witnesses who stood on the outside of its path say it was funnel shaped, very black, with some indications of electrical forces.  It began in a moderate rain, which lasted but a minute, when with a crash the whirling and blinding vapor swept over the city, accompanied by a blinding rain, in the midst of which men and animals were enveloped and lost to the sight of those who were standing in the store fronts.  It approached from the north and when in the heart of the city veered to the southeast, passing out to the prairie lands in exhausted force.  The last part of the storm was tempered with a sharp fall of hail.  After the rain ceased the sun shone out and the people for the first time realized the damage of which the following is a pretty accurate list, commencing when the fury of the wind first appeared and following in its track:
A block of six wooden storehouses, occupied principally by Chinese and negroes, confectioners, on Pecan and Travis, front blown out and east end demolished.  Loss $500.

Sherman Daily Register
Monday, August 8, 1887

The damage done by the water spout and incipient cyclone of last Friday was much greater than supposed, even by residents of Sherman, and it will be some time before every thing is gotten back in shape.  A citizen who makes house raising and moving  a specialty, told a Register reporter that he had a dozen jobs thrust upon him before the sunset.
after the storm.

Sherman Daily Register
Wednesday, August 10, 1887
pg. 2

It would be a good idea to finish the work of Friday's storm by tearing down the old Chinese laundry on the corner of Travis and Pecan.  It
is an eye sore to common decency.

The Graham Leader

Wednesday, August 17, 1887
pg. 7

Sherman Shavings
Sherman, Tex., Aug. 13 - The wreck of the Chinese quarters which was dismantled in the cylcone of last week is being removed.

Chinese Americans
Susan Hawkins

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