Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, October 6, 1889
pg. 4

Joe Johnson, a Denison Negro, who was shot at Marshall about nine months ago, and who was supposed to have been dying with consumption, has taken a sudden turn for the better and is getting well.
His case is a rather peculiar one.  He was brought up here from Marshall, after the shooting, and has been living on Bond street, north of the colored school.  Shortly after being brought here his wound healed up, but a consumptive cough set in with which he slowly wasted away.  The attention of Dr. Acheson was called to Johnson's case, and certain irregularities in the symptoms led to his examining in other regions than the lungs for the seat of the difficulty.  
The result of this examination was that an abscess was discovered in the Negro's back, (caused by the decompostion of a point of one of the vetebrae that had been fractured by the bullet with which Johnson was wounded) and this expanding inwardly pressed upon the lung, causing the cough with which the patient was suffering.
Assisted by Dr. Burch, Dr. Acheson operated upon the Negro, taking upward of a quart of pus out of his back, and effectively curing his consumption.

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Susan Hawkins

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