Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison Daily News
Thursday, January 8, 1880
pg. 4

A negro giving his name as D.J. Brown was arrested yesterday by officer Massey, for endeavoring to procure money under false pretense.  Brown presented a money order at the postoffice which belonged to an other negro.  The postmaster suspected that something was "crooked" and did not honor the money order.  Brown was afterwards arrested by officer Massey.  The trial was to have come off this evening before U.S. Commissioner Venable, was postponed until 2 o'clock this p.m.

Wanted in Limestone County for Murder
Arrested by Officer Morrill in this City
About two months ago a negro by the name of Isam Jones arrived in the city from the south; he was accompanied by a white woman.  Jones supported himself and paramour by doing odd jobs in our city.  He finally obtained something like permanent employment in the M.K.&T. stock yards.  On Tuesday morning the deputy sheriff of Limestone county arrived in the city, having a warrant for the arrest of Jones, who is charged with shooting and killing a white man.
Officer Morrill, learning the mission of the deputy sheriff, and knowing the whereabouts of the negro, visited the stock yards yesterday afternoon for the purpose of arresting him.  On his arrival at the stock yards he found the negro doing some work with a hatchet.  Morrill told him that he was under arrest and ordered him to lay down his hatchet and go with him.  The negro stepped back a pace or two, raised his hatchet in a threatening manner, when Morrill threw his pistol down on him and ordered him to surrender.  The negro said that he wanted to go to his house and get some money and clothing.  Morrill then took hold of him, putting a hand-shackle on his wrist, and took him to the jail.  In the jail yard the negro made a desparate attempt to get away by trying to throw Morrill down.  During the struggle Mrs. Nelms came to the assistance of the officer and took hold of the negro.  Morrill raised his pistol to shoot but it was knocked from his hand by the prisoner.  At that juncture, Dick Nelms, who had just locked up another prisoner, appeared upon the scene, drew his revolver upon the darkey and ordered him to surrender.  He was then locked up.  He was afterward taken to train by officers Massey and Morrill.  At the depot the prisoner was very defiant and insulting, and threatened to come back and get his work in on the officers.  Jones has been in the habit of boasting around town that no policeman could ever arrest him, and that he would kill the first man that attempted it.  He left on the afternoon train for Mexia, in charge of the deputy sheriff of Limestone county.

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Susan Hawkins

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