![]() Martha M. Burgin 11 December 1829 - 29 October 1909 William Hicks Burgin 18 April 1854 - 12 August 1920 Julia Louona Burgin 4 June 1871 - 15 June 1942 Sherman Democrat August 1920 W.H. Burgin, a pioneer citizen of the Ethel community, died at his home there Thursday evening, following a long illness. He is survived by his wife and a large family of children. Funeral services were held at Ethel Friday afternoon and were attended by a number of friends from Sherman among whom were Mrs. ?, Mrs. Patton, Mrs. ? M. Dickey. Whitesboro News Record June 9, 1942 Mrs. Julia Lavona Burgin, 71, a lifelong resident of Grayson County, died at 1 a.m. Tuesday, June 15, at her home on Church Street in Whitesboro. She had been confined to her bed for four months suffering from a heart ailment. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 17, at the Ethel Baptist church with the Rev. J.T. Rogers, Nazarene minister of Ethel, and the Rev. R. B. Gilmore, Nazarene minister of Sherman, officiating. Burial will be at Ethel, directed by Talley of Sherman. The body will remain at home in Whitesboro until time for services. Mrs. Burgin was born June 4, 1871, at Ethel, a daughter of Ed and Julia Bowlinger Sanders. Her entire live was spent in the Ethel community until two years ago. She was married at Ethel to W.H. Burgin on July 29, 1888. He died in 1920. Mrs. Burgin was a member of the Nazarene Church. Pallbearers are her seven sons, J.E. and O.B. Burgin of Whitesboro, J.B. Burgin of Stratford, W.E. Burgin of Carlsbad, N.M., E. H. Burgin of Dallas, J.L. Burgin of Denison and W.S. Burgin of Oklahoma City. Survivors include, in addition to her seven sons, two daughters, Mrs. Laura Gilmore of Sherman and Mrs. Gladys Thompson of Collinsville; three brothers, L.H. and W.S. Sanders of Ethel, and O.H. Sanders of Randlett, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. J.N. Nutt of Ethel and Mrs. G. M. Ross of Coolidge, Ariz.; 24 grand-children and three great-grandchildren.
Whitesboro News Record
July 1, 1965 Joseph Beeba Burgin, a retired trucker for the Continental Oil company, died Thursday of last week at the Collinsville Care Home. He was 74 years old. Funeral services were held Saturday at Richards–Beck Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Frank Elliot of the Gainesville Nazarene church and the Rev. W. Steelman of Whitesboro Nazarene church conducting ministers. Pallbearers were Guy Richards, Ivan Vannoy, Lee Scoggins, Ivan Nichols, R.M. Matlock and J.V. McWhorter. Burial was in the Ethel cemetery. Mr. Burgin was born in 1889 in Ethel, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Burgin. Surviving Mr. Burgin are four brothers, William, J.L., O.B., and Wayne; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Gilmore and Mrs. Gladys Thompson. He also is survived by seven nieces and nephews. Ethel Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |