![]() Myrtle M. Buttram 12 April 1891 - 17 May 1913 The Collinsville Times
Friday, May 19, 1913 pg.8 Miss Buttram daughter of John Buttram is dangerously sick at this writing and but little hope for her recovery. The Collinsville Times Friday, May 23, 1913 pg.8 MISS MYRTLE BURTRAM DEAD Again the Death Angel visited our community last Saturday afternoon and claimed as its victim Miss Myrtle Burtram, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burtram. Miss Myrtle had been confined to her bed for about three weeks from that awful disease Typhoid Fever. She suffered intense agony during her sickness. She was a young lady 22 years of age with a bright future before her, but alas! the brittle thread of life in its youth was too soon severed. It seems hard to see one so young taken from our midst, but God knows best. Her body was laid to rest in Ethel cemetery Sunday afternoon. Bro. Adams of Gunter officiated in the service at the grave. To the sorrowing ones we extend our sincerest sympathy in their sad affliction. Collinsville (TX) Times Friday, May 23, 1913 pg. 5 Myrtle May Buttram, age seventeen, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buttram last Saturday and was buried at the Ethel graveyard Sunday. The young lady was sick a long time with typhoid fever and her parents did everything they could for her but to no avail. The Times extends consolation in this their hour of trouble. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the generous aid and sympathy tendered us in the sickness and death of our daughter. John Buttram and wife. Ethel Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |