![]() ![]() John True 28 August 1878 - 13 May 1915 Sherman Daily Democrat
Monday, May 17, 1915 pg. 5 When Mrs. John W. True returned from a visit to a neighbor about 7 o'clock Thursday evening she failed to find her husband about the home, which is on the George Thornton farm, eight miles west of Van Alstyne, on the Van Alstyne-Gunter road. Mrs. True went to the barn and then discovered her husband breathing his last and he was dead in a very brief time. Justice of the Peace G. T. McDonald was called and went out early in the night and held an inquest. His verdict is that deceased came to his death from carbolic acid self-administered with suicidal intent. Deceased was 38 years old and leaves a wife and two children. His death is believed to have been the result of an unbalanced mind. He was an industrious, honest man and few tenant farmers were more thrifty than he. - Van Alstyne Leader. Elliott Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |