Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Dallas Morning News
June  20,1890

Ben Hasburg, a Merchant, Takes the Opiate Route - Peculiar Circumstances.

Denison, Tex., June 19 - Last night another name was added to the long list of Denison suicides, that of Ben Hasburg, a clothier and gents' furnishing goods merchant doing business at No. 318 Main street.  Mr. Hasburg had been a citizen of Denison almost since its inception and has an extensive acquaintance.  The readers of The News will remember details of an ugly shooting scrape that occurred something over a year ago, in which Conductor W. W. Sherwood came near losing
his life at the hands of Mr. Hasburg, the particulars of which were published in The News at the time. It is the general supposition that the suicide last night was the result of that difficulty.

The particulars of the last scene in the sensational chapter are about as follows:

Mr. Hasburg was in his store yesterday as usual and went home last night about 10:30.  Nothing unusual was noticed by
his family save his inclination to be sleepy.  After being home a few minutes he fell over on the floor, but was aroused and gotten to bed.  The family did not suspect the seriousness of his trouble until 12 o'clock, at which time the true state of affairs was discovered.  Dr. DeBow was instantly summoned, and upon his arrival diagnosed the case as that of poison by opiate.

Other physicians shortly after arrived and all agreed as to the nature of the case, and promptly went to work to save his life.  Every remedy was brought to bear, but too late, as the opiate had already thoroughly permeated the system and it was clearly foreshadowed that dissolution was only a matter of short time.  Once or twice he was partially aroused, but would sink into a stupor after either mental
or physical exertion.

He remained in a comatose condition until about 9 o'clock this morning, at which time, under the influence of whiskey hyperdermically administered, he roused up for a few minutes.  He recognized his physicians and upon being questioned, declined to state why, when or what he had taken.  He remained conscious for about thirty minutes, then relapsed into a comatose condition, and shortly after passed away.  It is probable that his remains will be conveyed to Chicago for interment.

Susan Hawkins
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