Dallas Morning News
January 30, 1940
Pioneer Bootmaker, Noncitizen Voter, passes near Sherman
Special to the News
Sherman, Texas, Jan 29 - Funeral services were held Monday
afternoon at the Cedar Mills Church for George La Rock, 90, a boot and
shoemaker in Sherman for more than half a century. Mr. La Rock died Sunday
evening at his farm home in the Cedar Mills community, twenty-eight miles
northwest of Sherman. Burial was in the Cedar Mills Cemetery.
Mr. La Rock voted for forty-seven years
before it was discovered he was not a naturalized citizen, when he applied
for a pension. He had two brothers who served in the Civil War on the Union
side. Two of his sons, T.B. and A.H. La Rock, served in the World War.
Surviving are ten children : George A. La
Rock and Mrs. Charlie Gross of Tucson, Arizona; J.E. La Rock of Sherman, Route
1; J.D. La Rock who resided with his father; N.B. and T. of El Paso; and
A. H. La Rock of Parks, Arkansas; Mrs. F. C. Russell of Hagerman; Mrs. Tazle Worrington
and Mrs. Lula A. Hahn of Richmond, California. Also surviving are 26
grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.
(Death Certificate : cause of death - nephritis & senility)

Dallas Morning News
March 27, 1936
Massachusetts Native Dies
Special to the News
Sherman, Texas, March 26 - Henry L. LaRock, 57, died Thursday at his
home in the Cedar Mills community. Funeral services were held Thursday
afternoon at the Cedar Mills Church.
LaRock was born in Massachucetts and
had been a resident of Cedar Mills thirty-seven years.
Surviving are his
father, four sisters and six brothers.
Dallas Morning News
24 December 1977
Savoy, Texas (Sp)- Graveside services for John D. Larock, 91, a
retired farmer and 40 year Savoy, Fannin County, resident, will be held
at 10:30 am Saturday in Cedar Mills Cemetery north of Whitesboro, Grayson
He died Thursday in a Denison hospital.

La Rock, Napoleon Bonaparte
9 October 1881 (Liberty, Missouri) - 19 March 1959
Occupation : carpenter
s/o George A. La Rock & Tazle Bashaw
Cause of death : pneumonia & congestive heart failure
Burial : Cedar Mills
Date : 21 March 1959