Grayson County TXGenWeb

Wills & Probate Records, 1833 - 1974
Grayson Co., Texas

Portal to Texas History

The Standard
(Clarksville, Texas)
Saturday, March 26, 1853
pg. 4

The State of Texas
County of Grayson
The undersigned having been appointed by the Chief Justice of Grayson county, at the February term, 1853, of the county court of said county, pertaining to the estates of deceased persons, to administer on the estate of John Carpenter, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment to N.W. Townes, and those having claims against the same will present them to him legally authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred.
Francis Carpenter
N.W. Townes
?.M. Selman, Administrators
Grayson County,
March 6, 1853

The Standard
(Clarksville, Texas)
Saturday, March 26, 1853
pg. 4

Estate of James Chuffin, Deceased
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration were granted to the undersigned upon the estate of James Chuffin, deceased, at the July term, A.D. 1850, of the honorable the county court of Grayson county, sitting in probate, and said administration removed to Cooke County. - This is therefore to notify all persons indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, and all those having claims against said estate to present their claims, properly authenticated, to the undersigned for approval, within the time prescribed by the law, or they will be barred.
Aaron Hill, Adm'r
Cooke County, March 1st, 1853

Wills Index
Susan Hawkins

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