![]() The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, September 1928 pg. 1 NEGRO LANDOWNER KILLED BY TENANT George Andrews, wealthy Negro farmer, who resided 10 miles northwest of Whitewright, was beaten to death last Friday afternoon by Sammie Wyatt, Negro tenant on a farm owned by Andrews. Wyatt surrendered to Deputy Sheriff Jim Fagan, soon after he left Andrews on the road with his head beaten almost to a pulp. Wyatt is said to have used a heavy bois d'arc stick, which had been used as a tooth in an old-fashioned hay rake. The cause of the killing is said to have been a disagreement between Andrews and Wyatt as to a settlement following a sale of cotton at one of the gins at Bells. Andrew and Wyatt later met on the road about 2 miles southwest of Bells, at which time the killing occurred. The killing was not witnessed by anyone, according to reports. A pistol, said to have belonged to Andrews, was found near Andrews as he lay in the road. It showed no evidence of having been fired during the trouble. Andrews was about 65 years old and was born in Iowa, coming to Texas during boyhood. He had attended the public schools and received a course in a business college before coming to this state. One of the wealthiest Negroes in this section, he had accumulated an estate of the estimated value of nearly $2,000, consisting of more than 1,000 acres of farm lands situated in Grayson County and in Oklahoma, and city property which included the Andrews block on East Mulberry street, Sherman, and holdings in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He was a member and an officer of the Negro Baptist Church near Bells, and was affiliated with the Negro Masonic and Odd Fellows orders, being treasurer of the grand lodge of Texas, Negro Odd Fellows. The deceased is survived by his wife, a step-daughter, one sister and three brothers. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and was in charge of the officers of the Negro I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of Texas. George Andrews was well known to the people of Whitewright, especially among the business men. He was known as an honest, upright man. ![]() ![]() Bethel Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |