Sherman Daily Democrat Monday, May 5, 1924 pg.3 Samuel Eddie Rolen, an employee of the city sanitary department for several years, died at his home 921 North Broughton street Sunday evening at 9:20 (p.m.) o'clock following an illness of several weeks. Mr. Rolen had lived in the city for the past ten years and near Sherman for 30 years. He was a native of Tennessee. Surviving him are his wife (Mrs. Alice Rolen) and four children. The children are M.E. Rolen, Roy Rolen, Roscoe Rolen and Mrs. Edna Broughton, all of Sherman. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at 3 (p.m.) o'clock from the late home, conducted by the Rev. C.L. O'Bryan. Burial was in Bethany cemetery, east of Sherman. Sherman Daily Democrat Monday, January 20, 1931 pg. 3 Mrs. Alice White Rolen, 57, died at 6:25 (a.m.) o'clock Tuesday morning at the residence at 518 South Throckmorton street. Mrs. Rolen has been a resident of Sherman for seventeen years and was a member of the North Park Baptist church. She was born in Arkansas, September 10, 1873 [sic]. Surviving are three sons, M.E. and Roy Rolen of Sherman and Roscoe Rolen of Trenton; one daughter, Mrs. W.H. Broughton of Sherman; three sisters, Mrs. M.G. Rolen and Mrs. Simon Rolen of Sherman and Mrs. G.W. Ivey of Oklahoma City, and one brother Burr Kellough of Bells Her husband (Samuel Edward Rolen) died in 1924. The funeral services will be held at 3:30 (p.m.) o'clock Wednesday from the residence, conducted by Rev. Claude Johnston, pastor of the North Park Baptist Church, who will be assisted by the Rev. S.F. Ross of the East Sherman Baptist church. Interment will be in Bethany Cemetery. The Dannel-Scott funeral home is directing the arrangements. ![]() Bethany Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any links inoperable, please send me a message. |