![]() ![]() C.J. Miller 3 June 1876 - 8 January 1919 Sherman Daily Democrat Friday, January 17, 1919 pg. 6 IN MEMORY OF REV. C.J. (JOHNIE) MILLER Brother Miller was born June 3, 1876 in North Carolina. He was converted at the age of 16 and soon after his conversion felt the divine call to preach the Gospel. He began preaching at the age of 20 and was ordained to the full work of the ministry August 1, 1906, by the East Sherman Baptist Church. The Presbytery was composed of Revs. J.K.P. Williams, W.B. Savage and the writer. After his ordination he was county missionary of Grayson County for one year. After that he gave a great deal of his time to evangelistic work, both as a minister and a singer. He was loved by his brethren in the ministry for his noble Christian character. He was the son of Rev. and Mrs. J.I. Miller of Sherman. He was married to Miss Dora Calhoun July 3, 1910. To this union were born three children, all of them dying in infancy. Bro. Miller had the esteem of a wide circle of friends wherever he was known. He went home to be with the Savior and the loved ones gone before January 8, 1919. Thus a life of usefulness was ended on earth only to enter into a more beautiful life and service on the other side of the river. Look up dear ones, you shall meet again where sad parting comes no more. May God's richest blessings be on the bereaved ones that are left behind. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. They rest from their labors and their works do follow them. J.S. Cameron
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