![]() ![]() Leonard A. Futch 10 March 1905 - 12 June 1976 Denison Herald Sunday, June 13, 1976 Denison - Services for Leonard A. Futch, 71, retired Katy Railroad engineer of Denison who died Saturday at a hospital here, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Bratcher Chapel, conducted by the Rev. R.E. Williams, of Belmont Baptist Church in Sherman. Burial will be at Bethany Cemetery. Born in Lindsey, Oklahoma, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Samps (Sampson Frances and Mary Frances Springfield) Futch and married Mrs. Emogene McCloud, July 3, 1962, in Waco. He was a Baptist. Surviving are wife; sons, Carl Eugene Futch of Saudi, Arabia, Leonard Alvin Futch of Copperas Cove, Franklin D. Futch of Fort Hood and Lewis Ray Futch of Gastonia, N.C.; daughters, Mrs. Margaret Evans of Sherman, Mrs. Frances Howell of Denton, Mrs. Theresa Schneider of Howe, Mrs. Patricia Whitaker of Denton; stepdaughters, Mrs. Larry Hanky of Irving and Mrs. Shirley Burke of Waco; 27 grandchildren and six step-grandchildren. Pallbearers are Phillip Schneider, Ricky Brinlee, Weldon Evans, Joe Evans, Clifford Evans and Tommy Hutson. The family will be at 1009 S. Rusk. Bethany Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |