![]() ![]() ![]() Edwin C. Town 20 February 1837 - 22 March 1922 Annie E. Town 8 July 1848 - 18 July 1935 Sherman Daily Democrat
Thursday, March 23, 1922 pg. 5 E.C. Town, Former Resident of Grayson, Dies at Rio Vista E.C. Town, 85, a former resident of Sherman, died at his home in Rio Vista, Texas Wednesday morning at 9:40 o'clock, and the body was brought to this city Thursday for burial. Mr. Town was born in Vermont in 1837, moving to Missouri, where he joined the Confederate Army. After the war, he moved to Texas, living in Grayson County till 1873. During his residence here, he was married to Miss Annie Akers, sister of Jim Akers and J.M. Akers of Sherman; Mrs. O.J. Howard of Luella; Mrs. J.M. Davis of Howe; Mrs. W.O. Fuller of Fayetteville, Arkansas; Miss Mary Akers of Akers Chapel; and W.F. Akers of Dallas. In 1873 he and his wife moved to Johnson County, Texas where they resided till his death. Funeral services took place Thursday afternoon from the Stewart M. Scott undertaking parlors, conducted by Rev. L.S. White of Walnut Street Church of Christ. Interment was in Akers cemetery, south of the city. He is survived by his wife. Akers Cemetery Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |