Grayson County, TXGenWeb

Hancel C. Ponder
1874 - 1955

Melinda S. Ponder
1878 - 1926

Dallas Morning News
October 21,  1926 page 7
Ponder - Sherman ,Texas, Oct 20 - Mrs. Malinda Ponder, 48, died at her home south of the city. She is survived by her husband,
H. C. Ponder, and the following children; Mrs. R. A. McGinnis, Mrs. Aubrey McCraw, Miss Fannie May Ponder, Bud Ponder, Howard Ponder and Marion Ponder, all living south of the city. Mrs. Ponder came with her husband to Texas from Georgia in 1900. They first settled in Lamar County and later moved to Grayson County and located south of the city, where they had made their home since. Funeral services will be held from the Forest Avenue Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon conducted by the Rev. J. C. Skaggs, pastor of the church. Burial will be in Akers cemetery , south of the city.

Myrtle Ponder
1905 - 1911

W.H. "Dick" Ponder
1909 - 1926
March 5, 1926
page 14

Ponder - Sherman, Texas March 4 - William Hammel Ponder, 17 years old, died in Sherman, where he had been brought for treatment from the home of his parents,, Mrs. and Mrs. H. C. Ponder, four and a half miles south of Sherman. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the residence, the Rev. J. C. Skaggs officiating. He is survived by his parents, three sisters and three brothers, Mrs. R. E. McGinnis, Sherman; Mrs. W. A. McGraw, Sherman; Miss Fannie May Ponder, Bud Ponder, Howard Ponder and Marion Ponder.

Fannie Mae Ponder
1912 - 1988

Marion Wesley Ponder
1920 - 1967

Akers Cemetery

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