![]() ![]() S. O. H. Hood 27 September 1821 - 8 August 1895 Mary Ann Hood 12 January 1831 - 12 December 1926 Dallas Morning News
CemeteryDecember 14, 1926 page 9 Sherman, Texas, Dec 13, (Sp) - Mrs. Mary Ann Hood, 96, died Sumday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Farlow of 806 South Montgomery Street. Funeral services were held Monday morning from the residence conducted by Dr. A. T. Whartaw, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Akers Cemetery. Mrs. Hood is survived by the following children. M. L. Hood, Mrs. Alice Farlow and Mrs. Mary B. Mitchell, all of Sherman; J. P. Hood, Los Angeles and S. H. Hood, Skidmore, Texas. She is also survived by seventeen grandchildren, forty one great grandchildren, adn eight great great grandchildren. Six grandchildren acted as pall bearers, Will Farlow, Harry Hood. Cecil Hood. Oscar Mitchell, Guy Mitchell and Horace Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Cook, Edward Cupley and Elmer Mitchell, of Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliott of Denison were among the out-of -town relatives and friends here to attend the funeral. Copyright © 2025, TXGenWeb. If you find any links inoperable, please send me a message. |