Grayson County TXGenWeb

Houston and Texas Central Railway
H. &T.C.

Denison Daily News
Saturday, January 26, 1878
pg. 4


A Brakeman's Head Severed From His Body

Train No. 6 of the Houston and Texas Central, Morrell conductor, left Denison at 7:15 Friday morning. In making a running switch going into Sherman, Wm. Tiernay, brakeman, went down between the cars to pull the pin. When the cars separated he fell from the draw head on which he was standing, and the rear part of train passed over him, severing the head entirely from the body, and mangling the body in a horrible manner. The head was thrown several feet from the track, and one leg was crushed by the wheels.
Tiernay was a single man, about 25 years of age, and was an experienced brakeman. His sad fate should be a warning to others to avoid risking their lives for the sake of saving a few minutes of time. Flying switches are strictly prohibited on Eastern roads. Accidents of this kind may be classes as "preventable accidents," and surely we have more than enough that seem to be unavoidable, without taking any chances of this kind.
Tiernay was a great favorite among the railroad employes, and his terrible death is deeply regretted by them. He was a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and his parents, who reside in that city, have been notified by telegram and requested to state what disposition shall be made for his remains.

Houston & Texas Central History

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