Grayson County TXGenWeb

Missouri ~ Kansas ~ Texas

The round house was a place where trains (or at least engines) drove onto a turntable
which rotated, enabling the engine to head out in the direction from which it had come.

The M.K. & T. roundhouse was located in the area that would be under the viaduct in the future. It was a huge locomotive garage in the shape of a "U" with a turntable in the center of the "U". Tracks led to the stalls, which all centered on the turntable. The turntable would line the trains up with the stalls on the varaious tracks. The trains were stored in the roundhouse for tunning maintenance and repairs. The Southern Pacific Railway Company had a separate roundhouse, located east of the Union Depot in Denison. (Claude Easterly (1932 - 1973), editor of The Denion Herald)

Contractor Melville of the M.K. & T. commenced work for putting up new machine and blacksmith shops near the roundhouse; the old ones were sent to Muskogee. The machine shop was to be 40 feet wide by 60 feet deep; the blacksmith shop 30 feet by 50 feet. The possibiliyt of further enlargement would probably occur sometime during 1874. (The Denison Daily News, December 17, 1873) The machine shops were referred to as the "back shops." Men employed in the shops were mechanics known as "locomotive carpenters.: (Claude Easterly (1932 - 1973), editor of The Denison Herald)

early MKT roundhouse
Denison, Texas

Art Work of Grayson County. Published in Twelve Parts. Chicago: W. H. Parish Publishing Co., 1895

Scene at the MKT Railroad Shops
"Round House, Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Company." Robinson, Frank M., comp. Industrial Denison. [N.p.]: Means-Moore Co., [ca. 1901]. Page 64.

"This was likely the first, which was board and batten wooden construction. It likely started out with six stalls when first built after the Katy arrived in Denison and added on to in six stall increments. The second roundhouse which was constructed of concrete and brick about 1900 - 1904."
- - - Roy V. Jackson, Vice-President, Katy Railroad Historical Society

Missouri~Kansas~Texas Railroad History

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