Grayson County TXGenWeb


The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, October 8, 1905
pg. 4

Walter Fleener, a call boy for the Frisco at Sherman, fell from a Frisco freight train southbound in the North Denison yards Tuesday and was dragged nine rail lengths and horribly mangled about the lower portion of the body. The flesh was stripped from one limb, the other was badly mangled and internal injuries were inflicted.
He was brought to Denison in a semi-conscious condition, life being almost extinct. He was placed upon the train from which he fell and taken to Sherman. An examining physician stated that he could live but a short time.
Fleener was the son of Mrs. Brice of Sherman and was going over the road to learn the duties of a brakeman. He died at 4:20 o'clock as he was being placed upon the train.

Frisco Railroad History

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