Grayson County TXGenWeb


Denison Daily Herald
Monday, September 23, 1878
pg. 1

Uniting Denison with Every Quarter
Making the Railroad Center of North Texas

The Denison & Pacific
now being built by R.S. Stevens, whose name to any undertaking is the synonym of success. He built the M. K. & T., and he will build the D. & P. This road reaches its iron arm into the vicinity of Whitesboro now and will extend to Weatherford in Parker county soon. Thence into a vast cattle and grain region. Thence into mountains of mineral. The outlook for a good paying road follows the line of the D. & P's future - brighter and easier of explanation than any other road ever built or projected in Texas, and we predict for it a realization of his friend's most sanguine expectations.

Denison & Pacific Railway History

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