Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily Herald
Wednesday, March 11, 1908

Hackberry, Texas, March 7 - The measles are still raging in our community.
Miss Eva Gray and brother, Master Bryan, are suffering greatly from a severe attack of measles.
Mrs. Fannie Hunter and children visited at Cold Springs Sunday.
Mrs. Maude Hayhurst visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Neal, at Eagle Point Sunday.
R. Cipher and family visited relatives at Cold Springs Sunday.
A.B. Cipher of Eagle Point visited his father here Sunday.
Ed Hunter of Cannon is visiting friends and relatives here this week.
Misses Valentine and Nora Cipher and Maude Moss of Eagle Point visited here Sunday.
Elmer Hunter and Bill O'Neal were business visitors in Cannon Wednesday.
Miss Zana Gray was shopping in Van Alstyne Monday.
Miss Willie Howell of Howe is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Benton, of this place.
Mrs. Fannie Hunter was shopping in Van Alstyne Thursday.

Hackberry History

Susan Hawkins

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