![]() The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, Octber 4, 1979 pg. 6 59 Years Ago (from the Sun of August 27, 1920) S.T. Montgomery has sold his interest in the Wilson-Montgomery hardware store to Gus Ferris of Childress. Dave Haliburton of near Orangeville brought in the first bale of cotton Tuesday. Vaughn and White bought the bale for 32c a pound. W.T. Truett, one of Whitewright's best citizens, is dividing his property with his 7 children, giving each of them property valued at $10,000. Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Powell and children of Newport News, Virginia, are visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.N. Powell. ![]() 54 Years Ago (From the Sun of August 27, 1925) Joe Johnson of Whitewright and Miss Mabel Moore of Bells were married last Friday in Sherman. Gomer May has accepted the position of Manager of the Kimbell milling and grain business here, G.F. Bryant, federal prohibition enforcement officer, spent the weekend here with his father. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brice of the Ely community entertained last Saturday honoring Mr. nand Mrs. Forney Henry of Slaton. ![]() (From the Sun of August 28, 1925) Up to Thursday morning, 744 bales of cotton had been ginned here. Local buyers were 10.95 for lint cotton and 3.85 for seed cotton. The new Presbyterian church will be open for service for the first time Sunday. J.L. Cantrell has been appointed receiving agent for the Texas Cotton Cooperative Association in Whitewright. A.F. Houston of Bokchito, Oklahoma has leased the building formerly occupied by Pratt grocery and will open a grocery store. Dick Barbee has gone to Amarillo where he has accepted employment. Joe Thomas May fell in the bathroom of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. May, Wednesday and fractured his left arm. Miss Margaret McMurry has accepted a position in the schools at Kerrville. Miss Laura Cantrell has accepted a position on the advertising staff of the Tuscon, Arizona Daily Citizen. Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Smith held a family reunion at their home east of town Sunday. Mrs. W.H. Ackley entertained with a lawn party Tuesday evening honoring her daughter, Nellie, and Frances Pope on their 4th birthday. Miss Dorothy Hamilton entertained with a slumber party Friday night. Guests were Emogene Sears, Louise Sloan, Florence Wilson, Louise Echols, Clyde Johnson, Lucy Craig, Una Mae Mangrum, Frances Gillespie, Babe Nell Penn, Elizabeth Waggoner, Maxine Roberts, Frances Bryant, Jonnie V. Dossey, Mary Gae Wood, Ouija Craig, Martha Jo Sears, Mary Sears and Nowetta Whitling of Madill, Oklahoma. ![]() (From the Sun of August 25, 1935) The Whitewright schools will open September 12 with the following faculty: W.H. Key, superintendent J.T. Bryant, high school principal Miss Dorothy Tapscott Miss Jan Thompson J.H. Burma Mrs. Jewel Kennemer John Bean Miss Lurlene Travis Newton Manning, grammar school principal Miss Nadine Blanton Miss Carter Fletcher Miss Sallye Hamilton Miss Mary Pumphrey Miss Dorothy Hamilton Mrs. Kathryn Roddy The children of Mrs. J.F. Holland, southeast of town, honored her with a picnic at Cherry Street Park in Sherman on her 75th birthday. Lilburn Ross and family have moved to a farm near Leonard. Officers elected by the Always Ready Class of the First Baptist Church are: Miss Hester Martin, group captain Mrs. Bonnie Nicholson, vice president Miss Frances Pope, reporter ![]() (From The Sun of September 1, 1955) The 2 Whitewright gins had ginned 566 bales of cotton thus far for the season. They ginned only 247 bales during the past week due to a couple of showers that slowed cotton picking. Thirty boys reported for the first day of football workouts. Coach S.T. Montgomery had announced. Earl Fields, commander of the Everheart-Thornhill American Legion Post, announced that the post was launching a membership campaign. The Whitewright schools were to open for the 1955-1956 session on September 6 with a full faculty. Supt. S.T. Montgomery has announced. The Whitewright 4-H club girls had won a special award for outstanding work done during the summer. Ruth Elaine Williams won 1st place in the junior division in the dress review and Janet Smith won 2nd place in the junior division. J.A. Pumphrey came in from Odessa where he had been doing construction work for 2 months for Kay Kimbell. Forrest Roberts of Carthage, Rotary district governor, was the speaker for the Whitewright Rotary Club Friday. Whitewright History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |