Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
September 8, 1960


35 Years ago
(From The Sun, September 3, 1925)
Cull Reeves has purchased the Wardrobe tailor shop.
J.R. Oliver, north of town, was the Grayson County winner in the ton-little pig contest.
Eugene McIver has accepted a position in the office of L. LaRoe & Co.
Mike Oliver has bought the Robbins 110-acre farm southeast of town.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manning on August 30.
Mr. Clifford Jarvis and Miss Audrey Wilson were married Friday.

30 Years Ago
(From The Sun, September 4, 1930)
T.L. Hickson, 69, died at the home of his son, W.M. Hickson, northeast of town.
Miss Ollie McMillin of Dallas, formerly of Whitewright, and Mr. Robert Foley of Dallas were married Sunday.
Mr. John R. Holcomb and Miss Irene Brown were married Sunday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Nicholson on August 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Beveridge Brents have moved to Amarillo.
Mrs. O.L. Jones honored her son, Ben Robert, with a birthday party Monday afternoon.

25 Years ago
(From The Sun, September 5, 1935)
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Russell in west Whitewright was destroyed by fire Sunday evening.
Fifty-two persons attended the 73rd birthday celebration of W.L. Jenkins Saturday at his home southwest of town.
Miss Frances Montgomery and Mr. Morris Wright were married Friday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Silas Neal, west of town, last week.
The G.F. Bryant family moved to Denton Monday.
R.D. Maddux is erecting a five-room bungalow in northwest Whitewright.

20 Years ago
(From The Sun, September 5, 1940)
Following is the school faculty:
H.W. Key, superintendent
L.B. Morris, high school principal
Mrs. Jack Lackey
Mrs. Kathryn Roddy
S.T. Montgomery, Jr.
Mrs. Jewell Kennemer
Daniel Russ
T.H. Cunningham
Miss Eva Williams
Mrs. Dick Montgomery
Miss Margaret Lilley
Mrs. Herman Bedford
Miss Sallye Hamilton
Miss Carter Fletcher

L.E. Ricketts, grade school principal
Miss Lucycle Sanders
Miss Mona Sullivan

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blanton on September 4.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Halliburton on September 2.
Relatives and friends of J.E. Smith honored him with a birthday dinner Sunday.

Down Memory Lane
Susan Hawkins
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