![]() The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, September 21, 1950 pg. 3 DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO (From The Sun, September 24, 1915) The $862,000 road bonds of Grayson County were sold to a Chicago bank for par value and accrued interest plus a bonus of $5,000. Grayson county banks offered par value and accrued interest for the bonds. S.R. Glidewell presented the public schools with a nice wall clock last week. John Hollingsworth went to Dallas Sunday where he is comtemplating working on the police force until after the fair. Pascal Cox went to Ft. Worth Sunday where he has accepted a position as road salesman. Cotton has advanced in price about $12.50 per bale since the opening of the season. Seed cotton is bringing $4.55 and lint cotton $11.35. A chiropractor was convicted in the County Court at Sherman this week on a charge of unlawfully practicing medicine, the jury assessing his punishment at 6 days in jail and a fine of $100. Contract for constructing the Whitewright cotton warehouse has been awarded to George Baugher. It will provice storage facilities for 2,000 bales of cotton. 30 YEARS AGO (From The Sun, September 24, 1920) This issue of The Sun is not up to standard due to a shortage of electricity with which to operate our machinery. The Whitewright Electric Company has been short of coal since last Thursday and has not been operating its generating plant during the day, and with only part time operation at night. The Baptists of Grayson County in their convention at Denison last week classed cigarette smoking, pipe smoking, chewing tobacco and dipping snuff as intemperate. Resolutions were passed against Sunday baseball, Sunday visiting at church time, Sunday afternoon car rides that hinder church work, mixed bathing, intemperate speeding, and the attending of the state fair on Sunday. For the first time within the memory of local citizens, the Republicans will hold a rally here Friday night. W.O. Brents is handling arrangements and announces that prominent Republicans of Sherman and Denison will be present. Mrs. J.F. Fender has been seriously ill during the past week. R.S, Morehead has sold the A.A. Morehead residence to S.P. Beckett. Ford Motor Company announces substantial reduction in prices of Ford automobiles. The price of the sedan has been reduced from $975 to $795, f.o.b., Detroit, with similar reductions on other models. 25 YEARS AGO (From The Sun, September 24, 1925) The Red River Valley Fair was officially opened Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Dr. Selecman, president of Southern Methodist University, Dallas. Rev. William Duncan McDonald, a former resident of the Pilot Grove community south of town, died at his home in Abilene Friday morning. The Whitewright football team will play Whitesboro at the Fair Park Stadium at Sherman Saturday. Mr. Gomer May and Miss Jena Lee Kirkpatrick were married last Friday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ross R. May in Sherman. A bus line has been established between Whitewright and Dallas, with the fare set at $2.00. Mrs. Lester Haile was selected as one of the judges of the floats in the parade at the opening of the Red River Valley Fair. Ed Doss and Will Martin came in Saturday night from southeast Texas, bringing with them a truck load of Negro cotton pickers. Pickers were very scarce around Whitewright. J.R. Fleming has rented his livery stable building to Little & Little of Sherman, who will conduct a wholesale and retail mule business here, beginning the first of next month. Down Memory Lane Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |