![]() The Whitewright Sun Thursday, October 6, 1949 pg. 3 32 Years Ago (From The Sun, October 5, 1917 ) Loose shucks burning dangerously near the Kimbell elevator on the Cotton Belt tracks called out the fire department late last Friday afternoon, and our new driver, Floyd Badgett, responded like a veteran fire fighter and an old hand at the business. C.E. Miles has accepted a position as clerk in the post office. The little year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bow had his hand badly mashed Tuesday when a window fell on it. W.H. Forrest advises that he is contemplating selling out here and returning to Tennessee. News comes from Groesbeck that Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Thomas have a new son in their home. Afton Cates and Miss Ruth Horn were married in Sherman last Wednesday. Marshall Robbins and Bob Pierce have been ordered to report for induction into the Army. Cotton was bringing 26 cents per pound here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Phillips have sold their farm near Ida and have bought the Joe Roberts farm near Kentuckytown. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts and Mrs. Kay Kimbell motored to Dallas Sunday and were accompanied home by Mr. Kimbell. John C. Fortune, superintendent of the local schools advises that tuition must be paid the first of each month for pupils not entitled to free schooling. Notice - There will be current for ironing all day Thursdays and Fridays throughout the winter - Whitewright Electric Co. 27 Years Ago (From The Sun, October 5, 1922) The residence of J.R. Fleming a block west of the business district was destroyed by fire Wednesday. The Cotton Belt has resumed full passenger train service through Whitewright following ending of the shop men's strike, giving Whitewright 2 trains each way daily. W.C. Anderson has moved his family to Whitewright from the Porters community. Mrs. Kate Sears died Tuesday morning in the Baptist Sanitarium at Dallas. Miss Irene Roberts of Whitewright and W.G. Newman of Dallas were married Sunday, J.A. Dickey, Church of Christ minister, officiating. Leora Short underwent a tonsil operation at Sherman last week. Carpenters are busy remodeling the residence of S.H. Montgomery on East Grand avenue. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Claborn who reside north of town. R.C. Vestal has rented the Gene Lewis residence and has moved his family to town in order to give his children the advantages of the local schools. J.R. Oliver, well known breeder of Duroc Jersey hogs, took a number of prizes with his hogs at the Red River Valley Fair last week. A special program w as held at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday in honor of Rev. J.F. Fender's 20th anniversary as pastor. Wanted - Men with wagons and teams to peddle apples. See P.A. Short 22 Years Ago (From The Sun, Oct. 6, 1927) Burglars took about $250 from the safe in the drug store of John Garland at Pilot Grove Saturday night. 1556 bales of cotton had been ginned in Whitewright up to last night. Buyers were paying form 20.50 to 21.75 for cotton this morning. Announcements has been made of the engagement of Miss Metze Jones of Valley View to Congressman Sam Rayburn of Bonham, the wedding to take place Oct. 15. Misses Helen Ray and Lena Mae Waldrop of the Pilot Grove community sent The Sun a box of large Magnolia figs Monday from the orchard of their father, J.C. Waldrop. Pirtle Humphries, who has been seriously ill of typhoid fever, is reported better. Lester Haile bought a 43-acre tract of land at a sheriff's sale in Sherman Tuesday. Luther Skaggs and Jolly Johnson went to Ft. Worth Sunday to enter a business college. F.O. Mangrum has purchased the interest of C.E. Beasley in the Beasley & Mangrum Filling Station. 15 Years Ago (From The Sun, Oct. 4, 1934) The Donigan bonded warehouse opened Monday to receive cotton on which the government is making 12-cent loans. John Burma, principal of the grammar school, was speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon Friday. Weldon Leon Creecy, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Creecy, died Saturday night in a Sherman hospital as the result of getting his foot caught in a grain drill on which he was riding. J.M. Sturdivant died at his home here Thursday afternoon. Assignment of teachers in the local schools has been approved by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and classes have been formed at both schools. Relief teachers are Robert Cantrell, Mrs. George German, Miss Mae Hall and Miss Tommie Chenoweth. John T. Cox, well-known resident of the Ely community, died Sunday. Down Memory Lane Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |