![]() The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, October 8, 1933 pg. 3 35 Years Ago (From The Sun, October 11, 1918) William Godfrey Dillon, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., died at the home of his mother, Mrs. J.L. Dillon here Sunday. J.J. Looney, who lives three miles east of town, had the misfortune of losing his barn and contents by fire Thursday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Chumbley announce the birth of a daughter Thursday morning. Miss Ruby Ross went to Ector Monday, where she will teach in the public school. Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Echols announce the birth of a daughter Saturday. J.M. Cox, who died Saturday at his home in Denison, was buried in the Randolph Cemetery Sunday. Boss Russell died at the home of his parents in the Kentuckytown community Sunday. Due to an epidemic of Spanish influenza, the Whitewright School is closed until Monday. F.M. McDonald died at his home south of town Friday. Mr. Marvin Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Bryant, and Miss Eula Sears, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R.L. Sears, were married last Friday in Sherman. Mrs. Lloyd Moore died at her home in Howe Thursday morning. 30 Years Ago (From The Sun, October 11, 1923) Ruth, 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. Wilson Bartley of the Ely community northeast of town, who was accidentally shot by her little brother last Thursday evening, is reported to be recovering at a Bonham hospital. Mrs. Jesse Linn Houston died at her home northeast of Bells last Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. E.O. May have moved to the Bethel community where Dr. May is principal of the Bethel School. Tom Sloan, 13, was accidentally shot in his left leg last Thursday afternoon while hunting with another boy. Tom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Sloan, southwest of town. Mrs. Maggie Montgomery has moved to the residence she recently purchased on Bond street. Appearing on the Senior B.Y.P.U. program were Miss Lucile Giles, Miss Caroline Simmons, Mrs. H.L. Durham, Rev. G.M. McNeilly, Miss Alma Ryon, George Gattis, Tippy Bradley, Miss Juanita Lawson, and H.L. Durham. 25 Years Ago (From The Sun, October 11, 1928) Walter Adkins and Miss Mary Ayres were united in marriage Friday at Bells. The Friday Literary Club met Friday with Mrs. J.W. Wilson. The folllowing took part on the program: Miss Carrie Hamilton, Miss Gladys Ray, Mrs. Lucian Andrews, Mrs. A.A. Adams, Mrs. T.E. Barbee, and Mrs. C.B. Bryant, Jr. The Whitewright gins had ginned 3,250 bales of cotton up to Wednesday night. In a 3-day sale ad Lilley Dry Goods Co. advertised heavy outing at 12-1/2c, silk hose 50c, bleached domestic, 9c and brown domestic, 7-1/2c. T.J. Rector and Robert Warren, east of town, went to Dallas last week where they will attend a business college. The high school Tigers journeyed to Rockwall Friday and were handed their second defeat by Rockwall High by a score of 6-0.- - - WHS Reflector. 20 Years Ago (From The Sun, October 12, 1933) Mrs. O.M. McMillin was instantly killed in an automobile accident near Lamesa Saturday evening. Mr. Alton McDowell of Whitewright and Miss Margie Bessie Phillips of Trenton were married at Durant, Oklahoma Saturday evening. J.Y. Russell broke his left arm while playing football on the high school campus Thursday. Tillman Mears, who resides northeast of town, reports that his model A Ford was stolen from his garage Tuesday night. D.B. Wilson, 84, died at his home in the Klondike community Monday. Mrs. Sallie Bryant, wife of C.W. Bryant, died Friday morning. Appearing on the Friday Literary Club program were Mrs. Lucian LaRoe, Mrs. H.P. Donigan, Mrs. L.G. Hagard, Mrs. Emmet Penn, Mrs. R.A. Gillett, and Mrs. Ross May. The club met with Mrs. Grady Gillett. "17 Years Ago in Whitewright" Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |