Grayson County TXGenWeb

A prominent family in Whitesboro is the W. F. Lewis Family. He came to Whitesboro in 1910 and later operated a shoe shop and repair business. He had previously been a boot and saddle maker.  A son won national recognition as a cobbler.  Daughters of F. W. Lewis, Mrs. Jack Capehart and Mrs. M. Strong, live inWhitesboro.  A grandson, Miles Capehart, teaches woodworking in the Whitesboro schools.


Front Row (L-R)
Mrs. O. B. Randles, W. F. Lewis, Mrs. W. F. Lewis and Mrs. R. C. Burba.

Back Row (L-R)
O. W. Lewis, F. K. Lewis, Mrs. Jack Capehart, D. L. Lewis, Ted Lewis, Mrs. M. Strong and Homer Lewis.

Whitesboro History

Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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