Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Democrat
Thursday, June 3, 1915
pg. 7

White Rock, June 2 - Mrs. Bob Turner of Sherman visited her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Benedict Sunday.
Mrs. A.J. Rutherford returned Sunday after several days visited with relatives at Howe.
Misses Cora and Ollie McAfee spent Sunday with Miss Ethel Ashley of Oak Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs of Friendship spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Crile visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeder Sunday.
Mr. Willis Harrell returned to his home in Howe after several days' visit with his sister, Mrs. J.C. Kreager and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Payne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown of Pecan.
Miss Easter Goode visited Mrs. Mollie Cowherd of Pottsboro Friday.
Mr. H.G. Wallace visited Mr. Tom Williams Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kennerie and Louise Miller of Sherman visited Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Clark Sunday evening.
Mrs. Henry Hoeldtke spent Sunday with Mrs. Henry Hoeldtke. [sic]
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark of Oak Grove visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Clark.
Miss Jewel Goode spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Mollie Cowherd of Pottsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Cordell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Rich.
Mrs. Chap McAfee visited her sister, Mrs. Addie O'Kelly.
Misses Elsie and Easter Goode visited Miss Maude McMichael of Oak Grove Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Clark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Rutherford.
 Mrs. Lewis of Dugan Chapel spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Grover Davidson.
Miss Anna Maye Clark visited her aunt, Mrs. J.R. Rutherford Monday.
Miss Easter Goode visited Mrs. Mattie Porter Sunday.
Bryant Wendt of Sherman visited his aunt, Mrs. Sam Rich and family Sunday.
Mrs. Jim Harris and children spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. J.R. Rutherford.
- - - -Teresa Kelly

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Susan Hawkins
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