Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sherman Daily Democrat
Tuesday, April 8, 1919


To the Democrat:
Whiterock, April 7 - A heavy rain fell here last night, washing the land considerably.  The heavy rain of last night will further delay the farm work.  It is thought that so much rain will injure the grain crop, especially if the rains continue very much longer.
Farmers are experiencing some difficulty in securing a good stand of corn owing to so much rain and cold weather.
Rev, V.W. Jarrell of Texarkana will fill his regular appointment here Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night.
E.P. Rutherford and Miss Lois McMahan were united in marriage Saturday evening at 4 o'clock, Rev. C.A. Smith officiating.  The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Rutherford and was born and reared in this community, while the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. McMahan, who also reside in this community.  Both the bride and groom are held in high esteem by their many friends, all of which join in wishing them a long and happy married life.  Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford will reside in this community.
Mrs. S.F. Davidson, who has been on the sick list for some time, is reported to be slowly improving.
Several from this community went to Sherman Thursday to join in welcoming the return of the boys of Battery E from overseas service.
In the election Saturday for school trustees, H.G. Wallad and W.D. McMahan were elected to take the place of W.F. Benedict and T.P. Williams, who have served as trustees the past two years.  The trustees of the Whiterock school now are H.G.Wallace, W.D. McMahan and Roy Graves.
J.J. Clark and C.M. Rutherford were visiting in the Burk community Sunday.
Roy McAfee of near Van Alstyne visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. McAfee Saturday night.
Mr.and Mrs. H.G.Wallace and little daughter, Mildred, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark Sunday.
Miss Annie May Clark visited the Misses Patterson Sunday.

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Susan Hawkins
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