Grayson County TXGenWeb

"The Tioga Mineral Wells Co. was operating in the late 1880s; Mrs. P.H. Street was the business manager.  Both water and salve were sold by this company which used the original well west of the railroad tracks for its supply of water.  Apparently this company was owned jointly by the two Rains brothers.  The water was advertised as a cure for everything from 'all Female Troubles' to dropsy.  The salve was supposed to be just the thing for 'Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic Skin Diseases, including Tetter, Cancerous or other sores, Chapped Hands, Pains, Burns, Spider Bites, Headaches, Milk Legg, Toothache, Sprains, Baldness, Neuralgia, etc.'"


Elmont, Texas, August 13, 1891
Gents - This is to certify that I cam to the wells at Tioga 3 years ago suffering with chronic rheumatism, and after using the water, taking baths for two weeks was entirely cured and now never feel an ache or pain from rheumatism since.  My wife was also a sufferer for fifteen years with rheumatism and dyspepsia, and TIoga Mineral Water treatment made a perfect cure for her.
G.A. Thornton

Denton, Texas, August 2, 1891
This is to certify that I have had a disease of the kidneys for fifteen years.  I have used every means for relief, but found none till I attended Tioga Wells.  I have drank the water for ten days and am now almost well as I ever was.  Any one desiring to know particulars of my experience call on me, three miles south of Denton, and I will take pleasure in telling all I know.
E.D. Barb

Howe, Texas, April 9, 1891
Tioga Mineral Wells Company
Gents - I received your letter and salve, and was a proud to get it as if it had been gold.  I have had sore eyes for five or six years; have been treated by six doctors with but little relief.  Last summer I happened to be at Tioga, bought a box of salve and commenced using it at once, and before I left town my eyes were perfectly easy and continued to improve each day  until they got well.  It is a dead shot on sore eyes or any kind of old sore.
A.W. Land

Sherman, Texas, November 9, 1891
Dear Sirs - I take pleasure in saying that I was greatly relieved from an attack of rheumatism and liver troubles by the use of Tioga Mineral Water in one week's time and have had no trouble since from either.
S.E. Elliott

Collinsville, Texas, October 1, 1889
Messrs. Rains Brothers
Will say for the benefit of those that may be suffering with kidney and bladder disease, as I did for years, that the Tioga well water was the first thing that gave me relief.
C.L. Genie

Tioga Texas, January 27, 1890
Gentlemen - You want to know what I think of the mineral water. Will just say here that I came here last September with rheumatism and neuralgia  of the stomach and bowels.  I used the water two weeks and am entirely rid of the latter complaint and am sufficiently able to get around  and attend to business.  I cheerfully recommend the water to anyone similarly affected.
George McCorkle
Van Alstyne, Texas

Collinsville, Texas, September 9, 1890
Tioga Mineral Wells Company
Gentlemen - This is to certify that I was afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for about four months.  Was under treatment of two doctors who gave me little relief, and after drinking the water and bathing one week was entirely relieved.
B.H. Webster
Pastor Methodist Episcoapl Church, South

Pilot Point, Texas, September 10, 1891
This is to certify that I have used Tioga mineral water and salve for rheumatism.  I was helpless for two years.  I used the water and salve seven weeks and am entirely well.
W.J. Owens

Sherman, Texas, April 4, 1891
To Whom It may Concern,
This is to certify that I have had neuralgia of the stomach from childhood and have experienced more relief from the use of Tioga Mineral Water than from any other remedies I have tried.  The Tioga water aids digestion, acts directly on the kidneys and liver.  I cannot say to much in its praise.
Mrs. J.M. Binkley
Estes, Ross.  I Remember Things: an Informal History of Tioga, Texas.  pgs. 3-7
"Tioga Memories"

Tioga History
Susan Hawkins
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