Grayson County TXGenWeb

Palestine Daily Herald
October 11, 1904
Sherman, Tex., Oct. 11. – When a Missouri, Kansas and Texas freight train pulled into Tioga late Saturday night there was found on a brakebeam a hip joint, part of a rib and part of the entrails of a man, together with pieces of clothing. A section crew sent out to search the track found the remainder of the body and another body near a bridge. The mangled remains have been identified as Will Beacon and John Hensen. The former residing near where they were killed. It is presumed that they were struck by a train while walking the track.

Palestine Daily Herald
November 26, 1904
Family Reunion Thanksgiving of Marshall family at Tioga, Tex., was marred by sudden death of N. H. Caliway.

Palestine Daily Herald
January 19, 1906
C. H. Brooks while in the act of drinking water fell dead near Tioga, Tex.

Palestine Daily Herald
May 13, 1908
Dallas, Texas, May 13. – Latest reports from North Texas are that that section of the state has been swept by a tornado of great force. It is reported from Tioga that Henry Kron was killed, and Mrs. H.E. Bowdry is reported killed at Leonard. Fifty houses were partly destroyed at Crandall, and many people were injured. Numbers of bridges were destroyed near Henderson.


News Index
Susan Hawkins
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