Grayson County TXGenWeb

Last Friday, August 13, twelve years ago, ye editor of The Herald landed in Tioga.  Some said we would not stay a week, others said, "he will leave tomorrow," while others prophesied "he will not stay over night."  Well, we are still in Tioga, and may be here for another 12 years or longer.
Some who were in Tioga when we arrived are gone; others who left have returned, while we stayed on and on.  Some have passed on to "that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns."  Others are still with us, and we wish them many happy years ahead.
Tioga is a small town with all conveniences that help to make life worth the living.  We like small towns.  It is there where  people are bound more closely together in friendship and love.  It is there where the hearty  handshake counts, and it is there where a welcome door is always open.

Tioga History
Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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