Grayson County TXGenWeb

"Sherman Siftings"

Dallas Morning News
July 28, 1897

Overcome by Heat

Sherman, Tex., July 27 - Yesterday afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock Will Manning, employed on the farm of W.W. Lackey, just west of the city succumbed to the intense heat and fell between the cotton rows.  When picked up he was unconscious, and when he did become conscious he seemed to recognize every one, but was unable to hear or to speak.
This afternoon his physician returned from his bedside, and while he is otherwise physically improved, he is still deaf and mute.
Scores of people complain of the effect of the heat yesterday afternoon and last night.  While the thermometers did not register within
5 degrees of the actual heat reported for preceding days, it seemed to be more depressing.

Sherman Siftings
Susan Hawkins

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