Grayson County TXGenWeb

"Sherman Siftings"

Dallas Morning News
June 6, 1897

Sold Twice
Sherman, Tex., June 1 - Recently, at sheriff's sale, the Leeper-Boldrick business house in Denison, one of the handsomest in that city, was knocked off to Joseph J. O'Donovan for $5000.  Mr. O'Donovan held the judgment on which execution issued, and which authorized the sale.  The court set aside the sale on the ground that the price paid was inadequate, and Mr. O'Donovan bid it in again to-day, paying $10,000.

The Veteran Not Dead
Sherman, Tex., June 1 - The report that Solomon Blundell, the only surviving veteran of the Texas revolution living in Grayson county was dead, is corrected by a letter from his post office, which says he is still enjoying fairly good health.

Notaries Qualify
Sherman, Tex., June 1 - Of the 350 notaries public appointed for Grayson county, only about 100 qualified to-day, which is the date set apart for them to file bonds, etc., before the county clerk.

Sherman Siftings
Susan Hawkins

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