Grayson County TXGenWeb

"Sherman Siftings"

Dallas Morning News
February 11, 1888

Discoveries Claimed to be coal, and the Work of Sinking Shafts to Commence

There  is quite an excitement in regard to coal finds in Grayson County just at the present time, and as soon as good weather sets in there will be at least a half dozen experimental shafts put down.  Among the most prominent and notable localities are the find and outcropping on the farm of Thomas Brock, there and a half miles from the court-house and just south of Mineral City.  A shaft is going down in this, but bad weather has prevented much work for the last few days.  From Wen Fields of Mineral, who tested coal taken from the shaft at a point where the vein is seventeen inches in thickness, it is learned that it burns freely and gives out great heat.  The Gardenhire shaft, the most extensive of all, located four and a half miles from Pottsboro, is rather demoralized on account of the continual washing of soil into the mouth of the shaft and the collection of rubbish at the foot of the hill.  A day or two since Mr. Gardenhire said: "I will open up active work again in the early spring, and Mr. Etter and myself will make a thorough investigations on places which join." 
Mr. Etter is an extensive land owner on whose lands, which are very near those of Mr. Gardenhire, very favorable evidences of coal exist.  Work will also shortly begin on the Scott farm near Gordonville

Sherman Siftings
Susan Hawkins

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