Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sherman Daily Register
November 2, 1885
Mrs. Willie Marshall to Whitesboro Sunday afternoon.
Wallace Rucker came up to see his girl Sunday.
John Sparger of Bonham spent Saturday in city.
J. R. Griffin, train master of this division of T&P went east yesterday.
Chas. Miller, Choctaw division of Mo. Pacific in city for few days.
Mrs. Burgess, wife of Officer Burgess, still quite ill.
Tom Scott went to Bells Sunday.
Tom Clark able to be up and around again.
Mrs. Lucius Stowe of White Read mill, BIT, in city visiting Mrs. Dickerson.
Gov. Throckmorton returned to McKinney after attending the Fair and races.
John P. Hird and lady have been visiting Esq. Dills; returned to Gainesville.
T. L. Lewis of east Sherman has been ill for several weeks; no better today.
Oscar McCarley, who broke his wrist in alighting from a streetcar Friday, returned home to Collin Co., yesterday.
Frank Kohler is reported as being much improved today.
Miss Emma Umphrees, who has been visiting in the family of A. L. Darnall, has returned home.
Miss Lou Collins, who has been visiting in the city has returned home.
Miss Lula Dejsart who has been the guest of Miss Pet Smith the past week, has returned home.
Miss Cora Whiteside of Van Alstyne left on the south bound train yesterday.
Miss Katie Devault accompanied her sister Mrs. Amos down to Campbell this morning.
Trainmaster Larkin and his wife, nee Miss Annie Crowley, who have been in the city for last day or two returned home to Bonham this morning.
Mrs. William Wright and little daughter came up from Los Angeles, Tom Green Co. this morning and are visiting Dr. Wright on S. Walnut St.
Charles Parr of the Courier job office went over to Denison on a business trip today.
The Kitty Chatham troupe came in this morning and will appear in "Professor" tonight.
Forest Moore, who has been attending the Fair, returned to Van Alstyne.
Mrs. Al Chandler, who has been in the city, a few days left for McKinney yesterday.
Miss Rosa Felin of Collin Co. is the guest of Mr. W. Bowlby on Branch Street.
Bertrand Richards paid Denison a visit yesterday.
E. (Ernstad?)  went down to Paris on a short jaunt this morning.
Willie Batsell returned to school at Bonham this morning.
Constable Wright took in Bonham on official visit today.
Mrs. John Dickerman is quite ill at her residence on corner of King and Montgomery Sts. 
J W. Finley went to Bells today to attend to some court matters.
Misses Lee and Baker of Roanook who have been visiting at the Sherman Institute returned home Sunday.

Court records:
Geo. Gillis, colored, was arraigned for committing a nuisance and held over for trial.
Henry Tauxe, bartender at the Merchant's Rest. & Saloon was arrested yesterday by Chief of Police Blain and Officer Melton on a charge of selling liquor to two negro women.  He pled guilty this morning and was fined $20 and costs.
Gus Sloane pled guilty to assault and battery and was fined $5 and costs.

The Sherman Daily Register

November 3, 1885
Jury Docket:
Byers Bros. Vs Mo. Pacific Railway Co.
M. S. Klum vs J. H. Flippen 
C. Wilson vs Knifflen Bros. Et al
Hughey Sweeney vs Mo. Pacific Railway Co.
C. Aultman vs H. C. Devault
Charles Crenshaw et al vs TX & Pacific R R Co.

The Sherman Daily Register
November 5, 1885

C. G. Stacy keeps best assortment of cigars in city.
Just received at E. Epstein Co. a shipment of Kentucky sour mash.
Ladies should not miss seeing the millinery at Moore & Ainsley befoe buying.
Ladies Meeting - A meeting for ladies only was held at Pecan St. Baptist Church this afternoon at 3:00 by Rev. Dison Williams.
No further intelligence has been received for Gordonville in regard to shooting of negro Jackson by Constable Reich.  Quite probable he is dead as wound was almost necessarily fatal.
Wm. Kelly, acting in capacity of constable during absence of Constable Wright at El Paso.
H.E Maley and Parrie C ___ wed at Binkley House by Esquire Hinkley.
Recital - at North Texas Female College, Friday evening 8:00
Overture - Mozart; Misses Kuykendall
Vocal solo - Daddy; Miss Etta Cole
Solo - La Balandine; Miss Carrie Elzie
Recitation - Entertaining Missionary Agent; Miss Zelma Moore
Solo - Cows Are in the Corn; Les ___ and Miss Willie Traynham
Solo - Miss Cora Wilson
Solo -  Katie's Letter; Miss Ida Elzie
Duo -  Misses Warden and Dills
Solo - Miss Hattie Warden
Violin Obligato: Miss Willie Traymham and Prof. Frank Kohler
Recitation: Miss Susie Ikard
Vocal solo: Miss Julia Dills
Recitation: Miss Julia Moore
Instrument solo: Miss Jonnie Kuykendall
Vocal solo: Miss Etta Cole 
Recitation: Miss Levenia Campbell
Vocal solo: Miss Emma Warden

Mrs. Ed Opel quite ill at residence on South Montgomery.
Mrs E. G. Douglas, wife of sheriff, still quite ill.
Joe Cobb and Policeman Kelly took in Gate City today.
Dave Thorne, who is quite ill st his home on S Crockett is better today.
Jeff Jennings, we are sorry to say, is no better today.
L. Hunter, of the Democrat, after several days illness, is at his post again.
Mrs. Dr. G. M. Ramsey, of Clokey, PA, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Aspinall.
Miss Rubie Fears, daughter of Col. Fears of Denison, is visiting Mrs. P. H. Peters of Gray's Hill.
Prof. Kohler, who has been quite ill, is improving.
Sad death - The result of a boyish battle with stones near 1st Ward school Monday 2nd.  Little Frankie Bankts pays the price of childish imprudence; died Wed. 4th.  Body at residence of Charles Bankts, W. Jones St.

The Sherman Daily Register

November 6, 1885

T. E. Lewis of east Sherman is not expected to live.
Mrs. J. Pattie, of Van (Alstyne), is visiting Mrs. Robbins in east Sherman.
Mrs. Douglas, wife of our efficient sheriff, is quite ill with no perceptible improvement over yesterday.
Henry Sanderson, a new made benedict, of Gordonville, and formerly a member of Sherman police department returned home this morning.
Mrs Sallie Martin & daughters, Sallie & Pattie, have returned home from Kentucky and Tennessee.  The young ladies have been attending Liberty Female College at Glascow, Kentucky. They will occupy old family home on S Walnut.
Lengthy article regarding funeral of Frankie Bankts conducted by Rev Mr. Hyde of St, John's Congregational Church. 
Wanted - An office boy - Must be trusty and reliable - Dr. H. C. Morrow
George Lacy case dismissed by Justice Hinkle.
Officer Wright returned from El Paso where he went to carry Wm. Jones, a witness in the case of State of Texas vs. Bret Forest.
J. L. Bradley and Miss Lura Meek wed at residence of R. M. Meek, 106 Crockett St. by Rev. J. M. Binkley.
Geo. Bingham loses left foot at Tyler while engaged as conductor on the Texas & St. Louis narrow gauge.
Girl wanted - a white girl to do general housework.  Steady work and good wages to right party.  Apply at residence of Frank Johnson, S. Travis St.

The Sherman Daily Register
November 7, 1885

A Trio of Fires Last Night and This Morning

Quite a disastrous prairie fire occurred 12 mile west of the city last night about 10 o'clock.  W. D. Mayfield, upon whose land the blaze was first started, had taken the precaution to plow all around the spot in order to clear it of stubble but high wind arose during the evening and drove flames across broken ground into pasture of J. F. Evans. Flames spread rapidly, soon consuming several ricks of hay amounting to tons. Buildings including barns and residences were saved.
About 8 this morning, the residence of Mrs. Eliza Maxey, in Fairview, discovered to be on fire in the roof of kitchen. Building insured with W. T. Boyd of city. 

Check missing part of this account

 JOHN P. HART - City Real Estate & General Land Agt. Ofc. M. H. & C. M. Andrews, north side of square
 JOHN HEDRICH - Atty at Law, east side of square
 DR. M. S. Hudson - Dentist
 C. W. LEWIS - Real Estate, Land & Loan Agt., 2 doors east of BINKLEY HOUSE
 Apartment for rent from Mrs. Cox, corner King and Walnut

The Sherman Daily Register
November 9, 1885

Tom Puckett, negro boy, accidentally shoots self.
Bartender at Peter Fay's saloon, arrested for opening saloon before 1 o'clock Monday morning.
Miss Florence Morris awarded for giving best reason why boys should not smoke.  Presented by Wm. Shelton, PC - ME Church South.
Mattie McKinney. lady of color, used rough language at King house on S. Travis St. Saturday pm. Arraigned to Justice Hinkles court today.
Bob Smith, charged with waylaying and robbing Mail Messenger Jackson.
Rev. Dixon Williams, evangelist, accompanied by Rev. Mr. Rogers of Pecan St. Baptist Church, Capt. Tom Richards & Capt. L. F. Ely, went to County Jail yesterday afternoon by request of Jailer Calahan.
Several students of Sherman Female Institute, accompanied by teachers, adjourned to banks of Choctaw this morning to enjoy a day of rustic sport.
Henry Childs, charged with assault and battery, fined $10.00 and cost before Justice Hinkle this morning.
Complaints filed against Dona Douglas and Rachel Franklin today for vagrancy.
Z. P. Dedrick tried in county courthouse this morning on charge of adultery, found guilty and fined $200 and costs.
Mrs. Winnie Hull, same charge, pled guilty through her attorneys, fined $100 and costs.
Jail break in McKinney - Thirteen of fifteen prisoners escape during the night.  Other two escape next morning.  Jailer George Beck and Geo Dalsell, colored man from Dallas, hit in head with sandbag near transfer shed.
J. F. Koler able to be out again today.
James A. Price, book keeper at Walkers, China Hall suffering from combination of dengue and malaria, able to be out today.
Proprietors of the BINKLEY pleased with office stove purchased from ROBERTS, HARDWICKE and TAYLOR, today ordered its mate for dining room.
Jones & Smith, brick and handmade tile - ? W. Sherman, Pilot Point Road.  Leave orders at Jones Store, South Travis Street.
AMERICAN HOUSE: Wm. McCann, Proprietor.  Within 100 feet of Union Depot
SAM'S SALOON: P. E. Kirsch, Proprietor
ANCHOR SALOON: O. E. Hawley, Proprietor
BANK SALOON: W. E. Herrinton, Proprietor
FARMERS & MERCHANTS SALOON: East side of square - W. B. Buckley, Proprietor
GEORGE R. CLAYTON, MD: Oculist and Aurist, north side of square over Davis Hardware
S. C. EASON, MD Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon, Lamar Street, 2nd door east of (Wallace's?) Hardware
J .F. KOHLER: Tuner and Repairer - Leave orders with W. Elliott & Bros.
HAWLOWETZ & SCHLOSSER: Grocery, Produce, Northeast corner North Travis & Mulberry
J. P. GEREN: Fire Insurance Real Estate Agency, Office over City Bank
E. W. HOPE: SHERMAN FINE ART EMPORIUM  - North Travis next door to M&P bank
DR. B. B. PETTOTT: Homeopathist
I. M. STANDIFER: Atty at Law, Denison.  Rooms east stairway, Muller Block
ALDRICH & GIBBS: Druggists - Wallpaper & Paint
G. A. SERVISS & CO: Lightning Rods & their fixtures & pumps
FARMERS GIN: West Houston Street near Iron Bridge
WHEAT, GREER & CREAGER: Corner Pecan & Walnut
WHITE ELEPHANT: Bar & Billiard Parlor, Proprietor - Joe Meadows & Co., Denison
Sacrament of baptism conferred upon infant son of Rev. Miller at parsonage of E. Sherman M. E. Church, south, this afternoon by Rev. J. M. Binkley.
W. A. Griffin and Miss Vallie C. Cummins united in marriage Nov. 4 at National Hotel by Rev. Mr. Miller of Willow Street Methodist Church.  Both here recently from Kentucky.
A colored man by the name of Winters, broke his wrist at his place north of the city.
Henry Duncan, colored, was arrested ib charge of aggravated assault on his father.
Geo. Lacy arrested by Officer Blain on charge of obtaining money on false pretenses.

The Sherman Daily Register
November 10, 1885
John H. Preston et al vs Henry Jones
J. F. Cuff vs Wm. King
S. W. Fields vs H & TC Ry Co.
Roberts, Hardicke & Taylor vs E. Smith & Co. et al
City of Sherman vs H & TC Ry Co.
P. P. Robertson et al vs H. A. Hughes et al 

The Sherman Daily Register
November 11, 1885
J. L. Beach vs Mo. Pacific Ry Co.
Mary Gibson vs City of Sherman
S. G. Knaur vs J. E. Streeper
J. L. Cobb vs H & TC Ry Co.
R. T. Emerson vs Waterman Star & Co. et al

The Sherman Daily Register

Susan Hawkins

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