Grayson County TXGenWeb
 Sherman Courier

The Sherman Courier
Wednesday, August 15, 1917
pg. 28
Fiftieth Anniversary Edition

The Daily Courier Forty Years Ago
(From The Courier of August 29, 1977)

As soon as our material ordered arrives, which will be in a few days, we will revive The Daily Courier, enlarged to a 24 column sheet set up in brevier and nonpariel type, containing the full Associated Press Dispatches, a full report of the foreign and domestic markets, the local news, political, miscellaneous and current news of the day.
The paper will be furnished to subscribers at 25 cents per week, $1 per month, or $10.00 per year.
Advertising terms will be reasonable.
Send in your names

Sherman Courier History
Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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