![]() ![]() The Sherman Courier Wednesday, August 15, 1917 pg. 12 Fiftieth Anniversary Edition HALL FURNITURE COMPANY 1868 - 1872 - 1892 - 1917 Readers of the Fiftieth Anniversary Number of The Courier will find frequent reference in clippings from files to R.G. Hall & Son as one of the leading business enterprises of the city of the earlier days. They will also frequently find the expression, "our young friend Logan Hall" has done this or that - very frequently he had just gone to New York to buy good or had just returned from New York. It was in 1868 that R.G. Hall began business in Sherman, and in 1872 the firm became R.G. Hall & Son, the "son" being none other than Dr. H.L. Hall, seniot member of the Hall Furniture Company of today, located on the south side of the square in Sherman. FURNITURE BUSINESS ESTABLISHED The Hall Furniture Company was established in 1892, or 25 years ago. The issue of The Courier of November 10, 1892 carried the announcement that they ahve purchased the furniture business of R.R. Dulin and that they propose thereafter to give the people of Sherman and Grayson county a service as dealers in furniture second to no other in North Texas. For 25 years they have made good their assertion and have no other purpose or idea at this time than to thus continue. INTERIOR VIEWS The pictures appearing on this page tell the progress of Hall Furniture Company better than it can be put in words. When the Hall Furniture Company began business in 1892, they occupied only one building 50x100 feet in size. They now occupy two buildings, one of them two stories high, and the other three stories, and their total floor space is 41,850 aquare feet, and on this immense floor space is the largest and most complete stock of furniture, carpets, draperies and house furnishings in general, to be found in North Texas. Their interior arrangement and display is second to none. ![]() DELIVER FURNITURE ALL OVER THE COUNTY
Twenty-five years ago, it was considered quite "up to date" for a furniture dealer to deliver a bill to a customer living in the city. But now Furniture Hall Company delivers furniture all over Grayson county in an auto truck. Think of it - think of delivering a bill of furniture to people who live out in the country or in another town. That's the kind of service you get when you buy furniture from HalL Furniture Company. Their motto and purpose is to serve all the people of Grayson county and meet their every want - and your being ten, twenty, thirty, or forty miles away from this store makes no difference to them. THOSE WHO RENDER THE SERVICE The company is composed of H.L. Hall, J. Ira Hall and Levis Hall. H.L. and Ira are brothers and sons of R.G. Hall, the founder of the business and Levis is the son of H.L. Hall. H.L. Hall is probably the oldest merchant in point of service today in Sherman or Grayson county. H.L. Hall is president of the company, J. Ira, secretary and Levis is vice-president. Levis is also the buyer and sales manager. Associated with them as salesmen are J.B. Harrison, Edgar Reeves and Weir Oslin, and there are a number of other people connected with the business who are efficient and render good service. ![]()
In the arrangement and display of their stock, they have 58 display
booths, which are really 58 furnished rooms, showing completely
furnished living rooms, dining rooms, bed rooms, parlors, libraries and
sitting rooms, the displays covering every class of furniture from the
medium or popular priced serviceable goods to the most luxuriant and
elegant. SECOND HAND GOODS DEPARTMENT Nor is this all. They have one department devoted exclusively to showing good, serviceable, second-hand furniture, which they accept in exchange on new goods, and then re-sell it at bargain prices, thus often giving to those who desire it some of the most elegant furniture at far less cost than ordinary furniture would cost new, their policy being to supply every possible "want" in furniture the people of Grayson county may have. In the highest class and exclusive lines they carry such well-known makes as the Karpen Upholstery and Library Furniture, Globe-Wernicke Book Cases, Sligh Bed Room Furniture, Herrick's Refrigerators, Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets, New Method Gas Ranges, as well as other of the highest class goods in immense quantities. CARPETS, RUGS, DRAPERIES, ETC. They also have a special department on carpets, rugs, lineoleums, window shades, curtains and drapiers, the whole lower floor of one of their buildings being devoted to this class of goods, and back of all this vast stock is the name "Hall" and what it stands for in Sherman - 45 years of continuous and honorable public service to the people of Sherman and Grayson county. Hall Furniture History Sherman History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |