Grayson County TXGenWeb

City Officials

Sherman's municipal government was provided by the charter adopted March 6, 1915.  The people elect - at large - a Mayor and Fifteen Councilmen.  The Council elects - from its own number - Two Comissioners.  These two Commissioners along with the Mayor constitute the City Commission.  The City Commission appoints a City Manager, who is the administrative head of all Departments.

In carrying out the above plan, the City employs regularly, exclusive of the Councilmen, who serve without compensation, 75 people, 69 men and 6 ladies.  Of the 69 employed, 60 are heads of families.

Mayor - Hon. T.U. Cole

Councilmen - R.A. Cole, A.R. Farr, S.W. Gladney, S.R. Little, W.H. Lucas, Lon McKown, P.R. Markham, C.C. Mayhew, J.B. Montgomery, W.W. Rodgers, C.A. Sanford, Charles Savage, Ed C. Sevier, J.A. Simmons, J.W. Smith

Commissioners - T.U. Cole, Lon McKown, J.A. Simmons

City Manager - O.J.S. "Jack" Ellingson
Office Assistant - Miss Lottie Chesnut
Engineering Assistants - Pat Crawford, Joe Swaim, Jess McElroy

City Clerk - W.G. Banks
Office Assistant - Miss Jessie Cooper

City Attorney - H.P. Abney
City Judge - J.P. Leslie
City Physician - W.D. Poe
City Electrician - D.A. Blunk

Librarian - Mrs. Nora K. Weems

Dairy & Food Inspector - Miss L.Z. Cunningham

Building, Plumbing & Electrical Inspector - Sam Hammond

Assessor & Collector of Taxes - N.R. Balthrop
Assistant - T.D. Simmons

Chief of Police - L.B. Shipp
Policemen - C.W. Stamps, Lee Cantwell, J.M. Blaine, C.R. Gilley, W.M. Boswell, R.B. Aston, G.M. Cointepas, Henry Zimmerman, C.V. McCauley
Sherman Police Department is one of the few in the state to have a full quota of men recognized as standard by the State Fire Insurance Commission

Fire Chief - George Hamblen
Firemen - Tom McDonald, Fred Duer, John Althoff, Ed Walcott, George Tinsley, Jones Andrews, Arthur Harris, Lee Davis, Clem Calhoun, Ed Holmes, William T. Nicholson, Oscar Jones, Charles Smith, Miles Henshaw, Will Holmes
Sherman FIre Department is one of the very fewin the State that is fully manned, and an all paid department.  The department is soon to be motorized throughout; an electri fire alarm is installed in a special fire-proof building at Central Station.

Park Superintendent - O. Thompson
Sherman is first city of its class to aspire to and achieve a "Kesslerized" Park System.

Rest Room Attendant - Miss Mary Walcott

Cemetery Superintendent - Alvin A. McMillen
Assistants - C.N. Paine, James Paine

Mosquito Eradication - Harvey A. Hayden
Sherman is systematically, persistently and successfully combatting the malarial mosquito.

Sewer Department - H.M. Scott, George Richardson
Construction of a new disposal plant and service being gradually extended to parts of the city not served

Sanitary Department - Burt Rucker, F.M. Thomas, J.M. Baker

Street Department - Jim Lucas, Luke Herrington, C.B. Thomas, C.F. Lawson
Twenty miles of Sherman streets are either asphalt, brick or gravel; they are swept, dragged and cleaned regularly.
Street lights are equipped with Mazdas throughout.

Custodian of Store Room - Jeff Penn

Water Collector - R.S. Russell
Assistant - Mrs. Callie Frost

Water Department - Tom Gibson, Will Goff, L. Murphy
Sherman water is drawn from deep wells.  The water plant has a large reservoir and electric power

Waterworks Engineers - George Stephens, William Fischer, Scott Russell, J.B. Brice, J.S. Lollar, Pat Wilson, C. Waltz

Source : The Sherman Courier, August 15, 1917, pg.26 (Fiftieth Anniversary Edition)

Sherman History
Susan Hawkins
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