Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, December 24, 1893
pg. 3

A Weekly Summary of What Transpired in the Gate City 19 Years Ago
June 17, 1874 to June 24

On Friday, June 11 a man by the name of Albert Tobler, of Fort Smith, Ark., met a very peculiar death near Colbert ferry north of Denison.  On Wednesday or Thursday evening previous to the death a store at Red River City was burglarized and a small amount of silver money was stolen.  The loss was reported to the officers, among whom was Lee Hall, a deputy United States Marshal.  Hall had been up in the Indian country and on returning Friday met a suspicious looking man at the ferry.  He was placed under arrest and a small amount of silver was found on his person.  Hall stated that the man drank a portion from a small bottle and when asked what it was replied that it was whiskey.  Hall, with his prisoner, came on to the public well at Red River Station and the prisoner drank freely of the water.  He soon complained of sickness, but on being threatened by Hall he mounted his pony and started toward Denison.  At the Duck Creek crossing he fell from his saddle and soon expired.  
The body was brought on to Denison and much trouble was experienced in proving its identity.  
A post-mortem examination was held by Drs. F.D. Stanford and A.W. Acheson and their report was as follows:
"We do hereby certify the we find in the contents of the stomach of deceased traces of strychnine, and we believe it to be in sufficient quantity to cause death."
Tobler conducted a small tannery near Fort Smith, and the peculiar death created much discussion here.

Red River City History
Elaine Nall Bay

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