![]() The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, December 8, 1927 pg. 7 Pilot Grove News Last week was ideal killing weather, and a good many butchered a part of all of their winter supply of meat. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Dossey and little son of Bonham spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Dossey. Miss Luella Matthews spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. J.L. McSpedden, in Whitewright. Misses Mary and Annie Robertson returned Sunday from a month's visit with relatives in Sherman and Denison. R.E.L. Binion was in Dallas on business the first of last week. Frank Thrift of Denton visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Thrift, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hopper and little son Billy were guest of relatives in Sherman Sunday. D.C. Judd, who has been in West Texas the past few weeks, arrived home last week. Miss Thelma Thrift visited friends in Commerce last week. Mrs. Lee Hulet and little daughter, Patta Jean, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Sherman. Homer Cameron and Doyle Dennis of Sherman were here Saturday. Orion Judd was in Sherman Saturday. A.L. Scott, J.L. Scott and others from here were Sherman visitors Monday. L.R. Dossey was a Bonham business visitor Monday. Byron Caraway was in Sherman Monday. F.M. Sloan and family visited relatives at Van Alstyne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and daughters of Howe and Mrs. Annie Wilson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whit McBroom Sunday. Mrs. Johnnie Reynolds continues seriously ill at her home at Little Rock. Miss Sarah Binion, Mrs. Tom Binion,, Mrs. C.B. Neely and Miss Pauline Binion attended the council meeting of the Home Demonstration Club at the Chamber of Commerce in Sherman Thursday. Mrs. A.B. Barnes has been confined to her bed with the flu the past week. A.K. Sparks and family of Tom Bean were here Saturday. R.E.L. Binion and daughter, Miss Pauline, were in Sherman Wednesday. Mrs. J.D. Garland of Dallas celebrated her 70th birthday anniversary Sunday with her son, S.F. Garland and family. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Bradshaw, who in addition to sundry other delicious edibles brought also a beautifully decorated birthday cake bearing seventy candles. Those enjoying the day with Mrs. Garland were her children and grandchildren, Mrs. Cora Butte and family, John Garland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ashley, S.F. Garland and family. Work of resurfacing the division of road from the Bow Corner to Cannon did not begin last week as expected. County Commissioner J.R. Westbrook had the work postponed, awaiting the arrival of another grader, which will build a higher and better roadbed. Mr. Westbrook expects to give the people in this corner of the county a more lasting road than has ever been built here, and to do that it is necessary to build the road higher. The grader which has been used is insufficient for the work needed. The prospects are that there will be plenty of wagons and teams ready to haul gravel when the work is ready to be done, and no time will be lost in covering this section of road. Pilot Grove News Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |