Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
Friday, July 27, 1917

Pilot Grove News
Miss Nova Garland left Monday for a 2 weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ashinhurst of Waureka, Oklahoma.
Will and Wesley Judd of Oklahoma City are visiting their parents at this place.
Mrs. Lee Kurry of Hillsboro has been visiting her mother, Mrs. B. Huggins
Mrs. Bertha Cameron of Oklahoma is visiting relatives at this place.
Miss Monta Crawford is visiting relatives at Whitesboro.
Mrs. Nora Dennis is spending a few days with relatives at this place.
Miss Callie Taylor w ho underwent an operation at the Sherman sanitarium 5 weeks ago, returned to her home at this place Saturday.  We are glad that her condition is improved to the extent that she is able to return to her home.
Misses Nova Garland and Cordelia Crawford were in Greenville Sunday.
Owing to the revival meeting at the church of Christ, services were withheld at the Baptist church Saturday night and Sunday night.
F.M. Sloan and family visited in Sherman Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks of the Rose Hill community were visitors here Monday.
The Baptist church building has been torn down and preparations have been made to begin a new building in the near future.
Quite a number of people from here attended the picnic at Leonard last week.
Joe Cato has sold his place east of Pilot to Mr. Henry of Orangeville.
Mr. John Garland and family of Merkel have returned to this place.  Mr. Garland formerly resided here until 2 years ago when he went West.  He has accepted a position with F.M. Sloan.
Mr. Stanley Garland who has been running a thresher in this community and adjoining communities has about finished threshing the grain crop for this year.
The Baptist meeting will begin the first Sunday in August.  Services will be held in the Methodist tabernacle.
Mrs. Viser and daughters, Miss Lelia and Mrs. Annabel Finnel, have left for an extended visit to Arkansas in view of improving Mrs. Viser's health.

Pilot Grove News
Susan Hawkins
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